
I have to question that timeline somewhat. It's going to take us 500 years to get self-sustaining cities on the moon and 1,000 years for truly human-like AI, but only 50,000 years to have intergalactic and possibly interdimensional travel? ...And it'll probably take another 20,000 years of cruising through galaxies

If he wants a huge chunk of change ($30m or more) just to play the role, I would say that was unfair (unless that amount would cover multiple movies) and a bit much. But a percentage of the gross? I don't see a problem in that. How much did The Avengers make? $1.5B. How much did it cost to make? $220m. More than

I always wonder why Moffat gets such a hard time when RTD is usually looked at through such rose-tinted glasses. Maybe it's because Moffat is the new guy and has to live up to his predecessor, but RTD had no immediate predecessor so anything he did (good or bad) was a good thing because it meant new Who. Maybe it's

"GroupMe, Skype, All Other Chat" would seem to imply Google Talk, but no mention of that...

Isn't 'leading garishly by the hand' Apple's entire philosophy?

Number 5, in regards to Star Trek is debatable. As far as I know, we never really saw the 2030s in canon before, so there's no way to prove that the effects rippled backward and changed starship design. Was the USS Enterprise different? Had the arrowhead been adopted for all of Starfleet prematurely? Yes, but

So... these houses for poor people are actually for rich people (well, not the richest, obviously, but significantly more than "poor"), at least based on American minimum wage?

$40,000 a year... haha, such pathetic, poor people!

...Wait, how much do you make per year on minimum wage (the thing I believe the Republicans are trying to get rid of)?

Very true, I'm just giving voice to my fears.

Thanks, I guess. It was never meant as a "this is going to suck because I say so" comment, but rather a "looking at this objectively, I'm afraid it's going to suck because of a few reasons that I say" comment.

I'm not sure what you mean by "new characters". If it's just "new characters from the comics that haven't been seen in this whole cinematic universe yet", then okay, that could work, but you mentioned how the main characters are all new and original, which makes me think that's what you mean... and that's what

I don't recall The X-Files being a spin-off of a massive film franchise about superheroes, in which Mulder and Scully were small, background, support characters, so... I think your point is invalid.

I, uh... I really don't think I want to see this. I don't want it to be made, at all.

Ricky Gervais has repeatedly offered to donate thousands of dollars to charity if no one will retweet/favourite/reply to his tweet saying as much. This has never been successful, the most recent one (I believe) had 470 retweets, 205 favourites, and a number of replies.

Without being particularly certain what that is... yes, I think so.

I think this is important: "on patients who might even be too far along with the disease to help." Having seen a few people close to me go through this horrible thing, I'm really not sure how much "bringing people back" is going to be possible. As a person works through the disease, they just disintegrate, losing

While I'm not sure it would work now, with this new, vastly different movie series out, but after Enterprise ended (which, if I'm not mistaken, was as long after Enterprise ended as we currently are since STAR TREK came out... weird), I was clamoring for an anthology series. That way you could explore or do anything,

Now playing

I am very glad someone brought up Sealab, man's greatest undersea experiment.

Well of course! How else do you plan on getting through your business trip? Hotel internet is crap, and sometimes (often?) has a filter! Plus, then you don't have to figure out which site has the full 60 minute video—no one wants that 5 minute preview crap! I need to full thing so I can appreciate the plot and

I'm not going to defend TOS because, well, they were basically making it up as they went along, in a time with little actual science knowledge but a wealth of various pulp fictions to work off—was the Enterprise supposed to be like a fighter jet or a battleship—and their budget was so extremely limited that actually