
Meh. This is pretty completely unimportant. Did Gates mean to cause offense? No. Therefore any offense you choose to see in this is your own and reflects on you, not him. Until you can find evidence that he intentionally did, there's nothing to look at here.

I thought ours were ugly until I saw theirs, ick. At least ours follow a design scheme, not just "let's throw in a blue stripe over here!" and "hologram time over there!". And I'm not sure if it's clear in your photo, of it looks like it's just green, but that strip on the right is see-through. That's right, you

Sarah sees the 'No Trespassing', Art asks her what's wrong... and she says "why did we just drive into the heart of Toronto to get to somewhere obviously quite far from downtown?!

...Or at least that's what I was thinking.

A Hollywood leading man with a history in comedy playing a nerdy looking scientist-type with glasses in a messy room?

Excluding TV, and ignoring the serials of the '40s and '50s, this is the first time there has been a Superman film reboot. The comics, on the other hand, get rebooted every 10 or 20 years.

No, no, no. Simply call (a non-emergency number, obviously, though I was initially really just suggesting using email to prevent clogging up emergency lines all together) to report the crime witnessed on the video.

Blood is a five-minute major now? Either the rules have changed or my memory is just bad.

I suppose whether this behaviour will go unpunished depends entirely on your definition of "punishment". I believe in one law for everyone, and that as breakers of that one law, this/these cops be criminally charged. However, in all likelihood, they will not be (though I am certainly hoping to be pleasantly

Plants... (sorry vegetarians)

So, who wants to send some messages to the San Diego Police Department, reporting a series of criminal acts within their city? Violent behaviour like this mustn't go unpunished (even though we all know it will)!

Would it be smarter to do that? Maybe. But would it have been right? I don't think so. What the cops were doing was wrong. Asking him to put away his camera? Wrong. Lying about why he should put away his camera? Wrong. Attempting to physically prevent him from filming? Wrong and illegal. Physically

So many of these sound waaaaaay to ambitious to survive on network TV.

I can't really judge Super Clyde without knowing if it's serious or a tongue-in-cheek comedy. Looks like assuming the latter, so I have hope it could be good.
Prediction: Will get renewed by March (assuming a September debut and a full season order).

Holy shit, there's actually some legal backing to my moral and legal argument that streaming OTA channels is okay?! Wow.

I did already discuss that option, but congratulations on not reading the other replies before posting and instead repeating someone else! Excellent contribution to this discussion.

I do appreciate a snarky response (this is Gawker Media after all) and I did have a bit of a chuckle, but, I mean, Fahrenheit isn't used by science, and the US is pretty much the only major country that uses it, so... I'm not asking you not to use F, just include another, more common, scientifically accepted unit as

I can read words that are misspelt by a letter fine, I can't convert temperatures from two disparate systems in my head.

I realize this is primarily an American blog, but I feel, for the sake of science those temperatures should have at least been also listed in Celsius or kelvin...

Every day I thank god that GeoCities wiped everything, so the my entire web history from 1999 to about 2005 is gone from the internet... unfortunately, I'm not sure Facebook will ever go under, so it looks like a lot of my web history from 2006-??? will be around forever... not to mention all the stuff I post here on

To be fair, movies that have taken place in New York City have shown the Rocky Mountains in Brooklyn, so just because the CN Tower was visible doesn't necessarily mean they are acknowledging that it is Toronto (yes, there were a number of examples of it being Toronto: the GO Train (albeit a bluer colour) at Union

I was very shocked (pleasantly) at the amount of nudity I was watching before 10pm on a regular, non-premium, cable channel (Space, up here).

Question: I wasn't actually sure where the show was supposed to take place. I remember a bunch of references to New York, but it was very clearly Toronto that they were in (at