
They're just fattening it up so they can eat it.

My sleep deprivation is ruining a lot more than just my love life (it wasn't doing so hot to begin with), it's ruing my whole life. My sleep's been messed up for, uh... a while now, I think since New Year's... or Christmas... or something, I don't know. In the past two or three or maybe even four weeks, I've only

In answer to the second part of the question posed in the title: from the future.

Hey man, pretty much all of Snyder's movies have been good in some way or another. Dawn of the Dead was a good (if not great) zombie film. 300 was a good comic book film. Watchmen was just fucking great (though admittedly that was mostly just due to sticking to an amazing source material). Sucker Punch was a

...How have we not realized this until now?

I like an extended cut as much as the next guy, but I really don't want to miss a thing, so uncut edition is definitely the way to go.

I would just point out that as far as edgy cable outlets go, FX and AMC are on the tame side. As far I know/can tell, while both have shows with sex and drugs and violence, they don't do nudity and they don't do extreme violence. HBO, on the other, is where you get the top of the line edgy stuff. I mean, don't get

You remembered Sayid's last name, but not Kate's?! I know she was usually annoying as hell, but come on!

If I'm not mistaken, Babylon 5 swapped finales, so that somewhat skirted the "cancellation...not" issue. I am interested/terrified to see how Community handles this issue. Not that it really had a lot of long-standing plot lines that were resolved in the season 3 finale, everyone was pretty certain that it was

Corrected: The story arc that was the original premise gets scrapped after, like, the pilot, but then gets brought back years later to shape the conclusion and final season, angering anyone who loved the middle seasons of the show for what they were, not what they would have been if the original premise had been kept.

So really this article is two-fold: 1) they used a coconut as the bag, and 2) they used what was in the coconut for the fluid, or is coconut water regularly used as IV fluid so that's not actually special?

Admittedly I know nothing of real medicine, but I was under the impression that "IV" referred to injecting any liquidy stuff through your veins, I was not aware that it exclusively referred to rehydration, or whatever exactly it is they are using coconut water for in this article.

The Chase may have been ridiculous (though I did love it as a stupid little child), but it did finally explain why almost all the aliens in Star Trek have two legs, two arms, one head, one mouth, two eyes, one nose, hair on their heads, breasts for women, two genders, etc.. Obviously there were exceptions, but I

Generally I would agree that your movie should be understandable... but there are a lot of movies that are difficult to understand, at least on first viewing. Inception, Memento, Donnie Darko, Southland Tales, are all films that were not pretty understandable the first time around, they definitely took some repeated

The spike in lime green is entirely due to The Matrix.

I don't know, I could have swore the other entries in this series were relatively serious. I mean, they were obviously light-hearted, but they did point out interesting flaws in movies, this one doesn't really have many of those, mostly just completely unserious jokes or terrible misinterpretations of films, neither

Well from the looks of the operating system, it would appear this article was written in 2007... zing!!

I'd make a joke about the writer of this article using Vista, but I'm using Vista, so... probably wouldn't go over too well.

I remember when the hundreds of random things and quotes you joined weren't pages, but groups. The upside of the group switch over a year or two ago was that all the old, forgotten groups deleted their members... unless you were an admin... which I was, since I created a bunch of those groups back when they were

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Admittedly I'm not the first person to post DJ Roomba, but I am the first to post a video.