
If it doesn't come with the full-body, spandex, sex suits, I'm not interested.

I've sen a few of these "Everything Wrong with" videos, and usually they're pretty good, even for movies I liked and therefore don't appreciate seeing insulted. But this one was just terrible. Like, the vast majority of the points are poor, untrue, or lack a rudimentary understanding of the film. Very

...Are you capable of hiding what you've liked? I mean, I could see there being an option to show everything you've liked or not show everything you've liked, but a specific option for every Facebook Page? Somehow I doubt that, or at least don't recall ever seeing it. Plus, Facebook arbitrarily changes it's privacy

You could get away with being distracted and not noticing a couple days had passed if your clock didn't work and it stayed constantly daylight or nighttime. But if you don't notice that it's day, then it's night, then it's day again, and you think you're just driving a couple of hours... something is wrong with you.

I'm sure he is in hundreds of movies every year... but probably not the kind of movies you suggest.

Unfortunately our society tends to believe that once you're 18, you're fair game to be exploited (just look at how cool we are with paparazzi taking crotch shots, but how much rage we had when Miley Cyrus dared to take a photo without a shirt on her back; when Perez Hilton posted that picture of a supposed upskirt of

Probably true. But then again, I find devout faith juvenile.

That's very perculiar... And yeah, I definitely will, my friend's a pilot (only flown in Canada though), so I'm going to go send him a Facebook message now.

Seems like the best course of action would be to teach everyone not to rape. I don't see why that would be a problem, and I certainly don't see why that would be idiotic. If women were incapable of perpetrating rape, I would agree with you, but... that's not the case. You have basically said it is idiotic to even

You did say "people", you also said "almost always boys", so I read into that. If I read into it wrong, and from what you've said, I did, I apologize.

I wrote quite a long reply thinking that yours was a reply to a different post of mine. I accused you of being ignorant because you skipped over many of my points. I then double checked and say you were replying to a different post. I have since re-written my reply. Apologies.

See what I said to the other person who replied, is somewhat applies to what you have said, or explains my reasoning.

Stating or acknowledging the fact that statistically more reported rapes are committed by men than women is not sexist (at not, not in any way other than "life is sexist"), but the original comment seemed less stating a fact and more making a jab. Was it necessary to add "who are almost always boys"? Did it add

...I think we're in agreement. I'm pretty sure I was being facetious.

Is all GMO food crossbred plants, unholy creations against god, with multiple DNA molecules from different sources smushed together to create a new molecule? No? Then I guess that doesn't apply to everything, which was kind of my point.

Was it Zak's '50s diner? I used to go there when I was in Ottawa, can't recall if I ever had their poutine though...

I'd say it's a word that's getting around, even if it's only "that weird stuff from Canada/Quebec" (see Modern Family). I do know you can find poutine in just about any city from southern Ontario to Halifax. Burger Kings serve it in that range, McDonald's even serve in New Brunswick and on the Quebec border in

But delicious food takes time! And dammit, I want delicious food.

Are you flying in America, or even somewhere pseudo-American like Canada? Because if so, I don't think your anecdotal evidence will count for much on the global stage. Particularly, I'd be interested in experience in non-English speaking areas.

I think my argument did include microwaving/fast fooding... but I don't really remember. I do remember having a pretty solid point... but I can't really detect what that was now.