John Voight's LeBaron

BTW, I do miss Gawker still.

Correct. It was an ok freekick as it was put on goal. The goal itself was due to poor goalie-ing.

*Ligue None

You know what’s overrated?

Kante is nowhere near as good as Pogba? And the things Pogba is good at are way more important than the things Kante is good at? Im sorry, but those are two of the most mind-bogglingly stupid soccer takes Ive ever heard, and Ive had the misfortune of listening to Alexi Lalascommentary. Kante covers an

I have suddenly been cast back into the greys?

Counterpoint: Clerks 2 fucking sucks.


Jesus man, what is your literotica handle? Asking for a friend.

Part of starting up a new area of coverage means introducing (and reintroducing!) characters to our readers, even if they would be familiar to hardcore fans like you. I wrote about Zverev last fall, at the very beginning of my tennis coverage. When I covered him again in January, I wrote about him in a way that did

It was so impressively universal that we ALL felt like he was out to get our team and our team alone. He was absolutely a diva but I think that “bigger than the game” mentality is actually not a terrible quality for a good ref to have. It can kinda insulate them from the pressure put on them by the home crowd or a

Justice Garland is out indefinitely.

The presumption that the players had no idea what really happened is ludicrous. Hell many of them were on the message thread the night it went down. Then the “due process” bullshit. They tried to pull a power play not because they were ignorant, but because they didn’t think rules should apply to them.

The players made an arrogant power play that fans and alumni should be ashamed of. They essentially demanded the AD be fired for following up on the recommendations of the investigation.

No, not really.

Yeah, I am going to err on the side of NOT rushing to the defense of alleged rapists. The university kangaroo court obviously found something the DA didn’t choose to pursue (I understand there is a different burden of proof, but a DA has to run for office on a public ballot and always has political considerations).

But she was “lucid,” though. Because that’s the standard now all of a sudden--and not, you know, consent.

Well, I’ll boycott the Holiday Bowl either way, just to be safe.

Hey all, I called this meeting because well remember how 10 of our teammates were at a party and a bunch of them raped a girl? Well now they are being suspended and that’s just not fair. I mean just think, next time it might be you who gets suspended for raping a girl. You wouldn’t want that to happen to you right?

Well charges were never filed. End of story there right. Must be nothing at all to see. Lord knows upstanding police departments the world over have never neglected to do their job before when it came to student athletes and sexual assault. Phew, glad we can all Move on now