Your choice of verbs sucks.
Your choice of verbs sucks.
Juventus stocked around him with midfield maestros that were able to drop the ball wherever he needed it. On-ball inventiveness was never, ever his craft.
My grandfather died without ever having seen the cubs win the world series. So, my Dad, ever the crazy asshole he is, brought a radio out on the porch so gramps could listen in from heaven. We all thought he was going out there to jack off, but nope he was going out there to be with his Dad, which I thought was sweet.…
This just confirms to everyone reading that your fan base truly is one of the worst things in sports.
12 since ‘12
It’s hard to feel too bad for a fanbase that’s only been there for 4-5 years.
Losing indeed does pull fans together. Fans from all over the country and from all walks of life came together in celebration of that Seahawks loss.
That was no attempt. That was a level 5 burn.
It’s all in good fun. Also, make sure you have Whatley take a good look at that pencil in the glove compartment for you.
As a City fan, would you say this is the most excited you’ve been since you were a United fan?
Who even did Barca the favour of leaving their best player on the bench until the 79th minute.
City were really playing well till the red card. De Bruyne was making things happen, and seemed like a lock to score.
Both of your statements are somehow correct.
These “#NOTALLMILLENIALS” responses you’ve gotten are pretty fun.
There was never any serious opposition research against Bernie, because Hillary was terrified of alienating millenials. Even setting aside the simple “literally a socialist” argument that Repubs would deploy (and that half of voters would not vote for an avowed socialist), here’s a small and incomplete list of how…
I think he probably would have been winning because Trump is Trump, but I agree that it shouldn’t be assumed to be a sure thing: Sure, he did well in hypothetical head-to-head polls, but generally the unknown candidate always seems to do well in those.
...but to flat out say Bernie would be winning is sophomoric.
I don’t know who Ferran Adrià is, but I know a Guy Fieri burn when I see one, and I approve.
Officials wanted to punish him further but he plead “Sorry guys”, the ultimate Canadian legal defense. After that they were powerless but to return of verdict of “No, no, we’re sorry.”