
He’s not wrong, though.  

I thought he was fine, while he was acting, but as soon as you saw him fight it was highly underwhelming. I saw the same issue when he was fighting his Skrull doppelganger in Capt. Marvel, he’s up there in age and just doesn’t have the physicality to sell it.

Keep in mind, he’s only heard about the Jedi briefly, and has never seen them in action.  At that point as well, he was unaware she can redirect blaster fire with her “laser swords”.

Kind of like Stan Lee and Magneto. He always thought of its pronunction as: Mag-net-o and not Mag-neat-o like everyone says today. A Magneto is an actual device and pronounced that way.

They stated her court trial, imprisonment and escape, ultimately proving her innocence all counted as her final ordeal/trial to become a full Jedi. They knew they fucked up, but tried to spin it as a win for her without a proper apology and introspection on WHY they failed her. It was almost like someone did a Jedi

I believe if you look back, he’s done that with all the times he’s landed. It’s almost like he can’t open the doors from outside with a remote or something. It would also explain how the Jawas were able to so easily strip the ship for parts.  It’s something I noticed early in the series, he never seems to close the

They found they were both heavy, and impractical with the moves she needed to make. The costume head tails (Lekku) was fighting with her ability to move properly, so they shortened them a bit in compromise. I thought it was fine, as not everything translates perfectly from animation to live action anyways.

It’s Morai, the “owl” familiar of The Sister (from the force family:  The Ones). After The Sister died, Morai has always been in the background, around Ahsoka. As soon as I saw it, I knew Ahsoka was about to make an appearance.

Hashtag: #Natural Beauty, lol.

You’re forgetting that he’s a bounty hunter that is probably used to following leads in roundabout ways to his targets.  This is pretty par for the course, trying to find what doesn’t want to be found.

Bitch, you're my fucking employee.  Don't talk to ME that way.  You're fired.  Pack up your things, I'll give you a month to vacate the premises, or you'll be escorted out in cuffs for trespassing, you lightweight dictator wannabe.

This is the first pope in my memeory, that appears to be a genuinely good person. How the hell did he make it in that organization?

ie.  Not as racist as America.

The original Santa (St. Nicholas) was Turkish, ie. a man of color, Mr. Nosey Neighbor. He didn’t become white until Coca Cola co-opted his image for advertising in the 19th Century.

Alan Moore has given up on ever getting money from DC for Watchmen.  He expects to never see a dime.  He also despises his work being translated to any other medium, because it was MEANT to be read in a comic book.

Eh, I already have the show on DVD :-)

I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races — that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I

So how long before we see doctors cutting the umbilical cord with a Berretta instead of a knife?

Abrams has a good eye, minus lens flares, but he’s a shit storyteller.