
I thought Force Awakens was a decent A New Hope rehash, and I actually liked the chances Last Jedi took (other than assassinating Poe’s character traits) but Last Skywalker is a true dumpster fire.

I’ve never equated racism with intelligence.  They seem mutually exclusive.

The unflappable Russian picked himself off the ground, brushed himself off, and then went back to scraping the windshield.  

Poe is a great example: in the first movie he’s a decent guy, calm, collected, and moved with purpose and was rational. In the second movie he turned impulsive, man-splained, and made irrational choices bypassing the chain of command.  It was like he became a different character.

Hot take here, but I actually liked Finn, in the movies. Did he get short-shrifted, yeah, but Boyega did a damn good job with what he had. I liked him as an actor, ever since I saw him in Attack the Block (great film btw). Having been on the inside of the First Order (against his will, admittedly), he knew exactly

The answer is “Person, woman, man, camera, tv”

Because he’s “immune” now to COVID.

That man is smarter than all of his cohorts, even if he’s kinda dumb.

One would be led to believe they’d have no problems letting these people go to war to die.  It hurts my brain trying to figure out conservative logic.  I’m glad to see Biden plans to reverse it, it’s a stupid policy.

It’s been suggested that Jango Fett bonked his head while boarding Slave 1 in The Clone Wars. I’ve seen it and....maybe? It’s not exactly clear cut.   It would be funny if that’s where Boba’s dent came from.

I do love the irony.

I love Limeade.

You can criticize something you love.  They are not mutually exclusive concepts, just ask anyone that’s married.

The part I found most disturbing was how easily it punted that minivan out of the way.  That was a pretty violent spin for the van, and that’s not exactly a lightweight either.  

She just went back to bury the lightsabers there.  That was my takeaway from the ending.  Didn’t mean she was stranded there.

Now playing

John Cleese in general, is a curmudgeon. He even shits all over his old work. Lets not forget too that one of the Pythons was openly gay (Graham Chapman). They all started off rather open minded and progressive and as they got older, Cleese became much more conservative. I’ve see the same happen with my dad. I think

...who played Louis de Palma in Taxi.

I renew my plates every year, but leave off the sticker, just to see how long it takes before a cop pulls me over for them.  My record is 3 years so far.  

You just popped an image in my brain I now HAVE to see in real life:  Trump with a beard comb over.

I eat very little red meat nowadays. I have some ham slices in my sandwiches, and an occasional steak (maybe 2 or 3 a year), but that’s about it.  Otherwise I always try to eat chicken or turkey, and some fish.  It’s much healthier for you, and I honestly don’t even miss eating beef.