We’re a Cash Only state.
We’re a Cash Only state.
I was unaware of that, but Wikipedia backs up your recollection. Fascinating...
Wolf is a common German name, it means “wandering wolf”. I worked with a Wolf. Another odd one from Germany, is Georg, which is pronounced: Gay-org.
So she’s cribbing her dad’s work. /s
I hail from Madison, WI. Enough people have died in this country from Covid, to essentially wipe out the population of my city entirely. That’s a very sobering thought, when you ponder it in the right context.
In Japan, Kabuki theater has been, and continues to be, male-only. They play females in their productions, with makeup and everything.
Well he’s right, it’s a conspiracy...man! The Earth is only 10,000 years old too, not 4.5 Billion, and dinosaurs were put in the Earth to mislead us. Jesus was whiter than snow. The Earth is flat! We’ve never landed on the moon, it was a sound stage in Hollywood. Vaccines gives kids autism. The blood of Christ keeps…
He was unboxing the charger, which implied to me that he bought it when they returned to Oxford.
Like an organ transplant? If the person has shown they can’t do what’s necessary to live, once the operation is over, they won’t get the operation and the organs are sent elsewhere.
My mom was a nurse, and she was the most patient person I’ve ever known.
But! But! His nose hairs will protect him! (Notice how they refer to protecting themselves, and mention nothing about the people around them)
But wiping your bum area with a piece of paper doesn’t spread the shit? Unless you’re digging in there with soap and water and some scrubbing, the bidet and the toilet paper are both just spreading it around while getting most of it off.
Yah, sane he is not.
Luke commented on how he couldn’t see anything out of the helmet, when on the Death Star. Commander Rex complained quite a bit on how cheap the Stormtrooper armor was compared to his old Clone Armor, in Rebels.
There’s a scene on film (MI6) where he was jumping from one building to another and broke his ankle. That take is on film...he ran on it after breaking it.
Lewis Hamilton interview on Top Gear, and his lap time in the reasonably priced car. I won’t spoil it, but the guy is really fast.
It’s a little different though, when that celebrity keeps getting asked that question, when they are clearly on the record already with their response.