
Careful there bud, you’re dipping your toe in Eugenics with that kind of response.  Just because you have a winning combination of genes doesn’t mean your offspring will be so lucky.

The world’s got enough problems, 8 billion of them. I didn’t want to add to the pile.

They have large industrial machines that can throw that much weight.

Yeah deci is in reference to 1/10, not decimal.  Like decimeter which means...wait for it...one tenth of a meter (shocking, I know).

I can totally empathize with that kind of scenario, but just because your life seems to be ending doesn’t justify literally ending someone else’s in retaliation. This is a totally disproportionate response.

Get the fuck out of here, NO ONE deserves to be summarily executed for a lifeless object, no matter how precious you may feel it is to you (barring a scenario where someone’s trying to rip out your pacemaker or some such). IT’S A FUCKING LIFELESS OBJECT! It can be repaired or replaced. Get your damn priorities

You can thank Reagan for that. He repealed the Fairness Doctrine, which allowed Fox to fester into existence as an entertainment program rather than proper news. Democrats voted to re-instate the bill after it was repealed by the FCC under his term, and he vetoed it out of existence again.

Yeah, there are faster choppers out there, but the majority of police models max at about 160mph. The fastest chopper out there is the Sikorsky X2, which tops out at JUST under 300mph.  

I’m getting tired of seeing these kind of stories.  I find it sad that they should even be a thing, because in a just world, this should just be considered normal and not an outlier when POC gain positions like this.  Let’s hope there comes a day when we don’t have to print a story that a POC is first to do anything

He won me over in Dr. Who, with Matt Smith. I like him, but I can see how some people hate him. I like his performances, but understand that in real life he may be a prick (based off rumors). I however, have no problems distinguishing between a role, and the actor themselves. Johnny Depp was great in Pirates, but is a

So, is this Parking While Black?

True, it was meant as more of a blanket statement and not directed explicitly at the senate races.

If there’s one thing these last 4+ years have proven, a lot of people just like to hate.

Gotta give the GOP credit, they gerrymandered like a mofo to get such an imbalance in power.  It’s impressive, despite how disgusting it is.

Wow, Trump produced a record turnout for a new president...by losing. They should compare his inauguration crowd to all the videos from this week with people celebrating he’s gone.

I’m worried Mitch is going to kill any progress we can make, if the Senate doesn’t flip.  I’m more worried about him than Trump, cause he’s already being abandoned by Fox, GOP and others.  

That’s a pretty misleading headline. The way you worded it, it makes it sound like the group itself conspired to do this and not two idiots that happen to be boogaloo boys. Add “two” in front and it’s much clearer.

The Jawa home planet is Tatooine, so it would stand to reason that Sand Crawler from Ep IV wasn’t the sole group in the area.

One down, only two more Death Stars to go...

Don’t even bury him, cremate him and use his ashes for fertilizer for POC owned farms. Only then can he claim to have done something for them.