
In my area at least, they stand out like a sore thumb.  There are very few to be seen.  While they handle great, they’re not the fastest car, getting to speed.

Why not just disappear into the sewer system, Italian Job style?

I find it utterly depressing that this statement is factually correct.

You could easily do triple digits with the cars I gave as examples. Hell, my FiST can do 140mph, which is pretty close to the max speed most police choppers can go. And that’s the slow car in the group. Audi and BMW would be limited to 150mph, but could go faster. If you’re talking just highway straight speed, why not

Speaking of shit handling...those things are really only meant to go straight.

It was showing Biden in the lead for AZ (what!?  For real?) and it appears the upper midwest is going Biden:  MN, IL, WI, MI.  

I just learned that Biden won Wisconsin. Great news, might signal the loss for Trump overall. Of course, we still have to wait for all the court battles that are inevitable.  There is WAY too much red on the maps though, just insane.

To be fair, I wouldn’t have recognized these quotes as being from Mein Kampf.  They are still chilling, just in content alone.  How can you “protect and serve” with constant violence?  That statement is so contradictory in and of itself in regards to policing.  Also, how did it take THIS LONG for someone to uncover

The speedo could have been tampered with, that’s why he used the term “hard data”.  GPS telemetry via the tracker would be the most accurate, but it’s not been reviewed yet.

This is a dead rat king.

I would love to see everyone on the sideline kneel next game. Fuck Jerry Jones, he’s the biggest thing working against their success, and an overall asshole.

I apologize, but I agree it was a poor choice of wording to get my point across. It’s political, but not for any political party like advertising for Trump or the Dems are. They just want those in power to listen and react. I was aiming for that kind of distinction but fumbled it.

WTF is THAT on his temple? Is that a bandaid, a scar, a scary large pimple, where they inserted the anti-gay mind control device, what?

I like cars but this is a TERRIBLE idea. We are on an ecological brink and they want to speed it up by making cars even more disposable than they already are. This is just irresponsible towards the environment, nay, more a middle finger. We need to SPRINT away from such throw-away mentalities when it comes to the

I get the impression they were just trying to avoid all the political bullshit in the school, and while BLM is not a political movement, it’s a highly political subject (for mostly all the wrong reasons). Educators don’t make enough to deal with all the bullshit that comes along now with teaching, in general. I think

There’s a metaphor in this story somewhere...I just. need. to. find. it.

No, it’s still Obama’s fault...for....um...reasons. /s

No, that’s the easy way out for them. Strip them of their wealth and power and put them under the wing of the protection programs they’ve gutted and let their own policies kill them, slowly, and painfully.

I’ve flown in one of these planes for ski trips up north. Cost us about 40 bucks to head up north and back (fuel), about 3-4 hours driving handled in an hour/20. It worked, because the airstrip was basically right across the street from the ski resort, so we didn’t need to worry about driving once there, we literally