Everything you said in that article was 100% truth. Jeff Sessions is evil incarnate. Please keep shouting it from the rooftops!
Everything you said in that article was 100% truth. Jeff Sessions is evil incarnate. Please keep shouting it from the rooftops!
I’ve lived in Texas and Michigan my man. Still never understood the need for a massive vehicle
LeBron has extraordinary physical gifts and incredible basketball IQ. What he lacks is Jordan’s killer instinct. It’s possible a theoretical LeBron would beat theoretical Jordan in a theoretical one-on-one matchup, but — last I looked — professional basketball is a team sport. Jordan understood this, and made his…
Not even a risked hint that AT&T’s $600,000 to trump-land via Michael Cohen was thus duly rewarded with this demise of net neutrality? Surely we know that this was a pure case of plutocracy, and there is AT&T with a smoking gun in their well-manicured grasp. Let us at least have the media spine to declare that net…
“Up next, Fox News 634th investigation into the Benghazi cover up, followed by a interview with joe from Oklahoma who’s got solid proof obama was born in MALI!”
You talk about bypassing the democratic system and declaring yourself leader for life, while ruling the country with in iron fist, ONE TIME, and suddenly everyone starts calling you a dictator.
Oh the irony of a Fox and Friends host asking people to “move on to things that actually matter”.
Yeah, a little disappointed they didn’t attach a region to it. I guess I can kinda sorta understand why, but still. Would be nice to know. At least I can delude myself into thinking it’s Elsweyr for a little bit longer yet. :)
I stand with the restaurants. Both as a veteran, and as a chef. Enjoy your unseasoned prison food. (I’m not lying. It’s the same quality product being shipped in. You wouldn’t believe how many times I nearly threw the recipe cards out the window before just seasoning the shit, myself.)
To think, there are people in this world who spend years of their lives studying psychology, the language of diplomacy, learning about cultural differences that they need to be respectful of when they encounter their counterparts, and use all of that knowledge to inform the politicians and Presidents they work for.
That’s just gonna end up on the ground. You’re just littering with more steps
“Irving, who by all accounts is an intelligent and thoughtful man...”
About the same that Trump knows anything else.
what are the odds Trump knows Ali is dead?
Maybe Trump’s going to pardon him for being a Muslim. Or just for being black.
You know that time when you need to do something before shit becomes really bad?
This should not even have to be asked.
The “driver”. Next question.