Just some guy

These lifetime appointments will be the downfall of this country. An out of touch 72 year-old should not be able to influence the next 30 years of supreme court cases. Also, all justices should have zero connection to any political party and should be voted on in a national election. Democracy? I think it’s pronounced

I never advocate for a child being taken away from its mother, but this piece of human garbage deserves to be locked up and never see her daughter again. Unfit parent doesn’t even come close...

This guy strikes me as someone who wears a confederate flag bandana the other 364 days of the year. When will these assholes learn that nationalism, jingoism and xenophobia are NOT patriotic?

I had a buddy growing up that had a few games like this (I think one was called Bible Adventures.) Coincidentally, his house got egged every Halloween because his dad handed out Bible verses taped to little boxes of raisins instead of candy.

If I ever see anyone wearing these, I will go out of my way to step on and scuff their ugly ass shoes.

Portal 2 - the fight with Wheatley, getting sucked out into space, GLaDOS saving you, then the singing turrets and hilarious song during the credits.

The real faux pas is this guy’s rolled-up shorts.

Not really high-tech. It’s the same stuff they use to make watch glass.

Anyone who wears a MAGA hat is a troll. A shitty troll.

And we know that rich white dudes are all about the pussy grabbing.

My first vehicle was a 1983 Toyota pickup like this. Mine was 2WD and red though. Had over 300K on the clock when it got rear-ended and totaled. Those little 4-bangers will run for half a million miles easy.

Well, it’s only a 100 mile zone, but something like 2/3 of the population lives in those zones. So the border Nazis can pretty much fuck with whoever.

you get to use all it’s power all the time.

Let’s not mince words here, call him what he is - your racist uncle.

So true, the dotard made me feel more shame in my country in his first few months than the 20 years that Reagan and both Bushes were president.

Exactly. Anyone writing a food blog should know the difference.

John Oliver did a segment on this a couple of weeks ago. If you’re not watching Last Week Tonight, you are really missing out.

I wish they would do this in Louisiana, but I don’t think Domino’s could afford to fill 17 trillion potholes.

You can blame all the Republican assholes who obstructed the Supreme Court confirmations until Dolt 45 was “elected.”