Sir, this is an Applebees.
Sir, this is an Applebees.
Sounds like she got all the Napoleon complexes riled up something fierce.
You do realize that going whole hog on these tracks would make the DLC cost WAY more than $25, right?
They decided to turn it into a global full immersion play. We’ve been in it for nearly 2 years now.
remember to tent with foil!
That’s why I bake my Switch at 150 degrees for 20 min. Low and slow.
I guess they have to work.... inXile now.
I came.
Well, at least one guy didn’t.
This chart looks like an aquarium with a dead fish on the bottom left.
Yeah, well at least their mascot isn’t a mobile home.
He’ll just open his sleeveless hoodies and release a swarm of bats that’ll swoop in and steal the ball.
If you are relying on the Chargers to execute, you really have only yourself to blame.
“You Must Be Sure You Wanna Taste It” may sound like the worst possible slogan for something you want people to drink, until you imagine some giant Slavic dude in a track suit declaring “I am for sure to taste you” before opening it with his teeth.
🎶Every kick begins with Kay🎶