Definitely getting Ninja Gaiden vibes
Definitely getting Ninja Gaiden vibes
Came here to say exactly that, pretty obnoxious.
Of course studios are delaying their games, it's the safer option; after millions of basement dwelling neckbeards collectively lost their shit over Cyberpunk 2077, no sane company is going to release a game that isn't polished to an absurd degree.
Seriously, that'll be 48(!) new tracks. That's an insane amount of additional content.
There’s nothing wrong with making a game difficult, and by proxy less accessible. There are a wealth of games out there that hold your hand; some gamers like the challenge, and the dopamine hit you get from finally overcoming said challenge. You all should give old school games like Rygar and Ghosts and Goblins a…
I came here for the sole purpose of shitting on his scrambled eggs, and you guys actually post that as "iconic"? I love me some Gordon, but his scrambled eggs technique is the worst. His Wellington on the other hand is in point. Fucking donkey!!
TNT beer for shittiest beer ever brewed/creates in a hobo barrel. It’s been almost 20 years since I tried it and the taste still haunts me... found a rack up in Canada on sale, so a buddy and I picked them up cause they “looked cool”. Tasted like skunky metallic gutter water, piss, and death. I think we gagged down 3…
Westworld theme blows. GoT theme is the tits.
“Fleischpflanzerl, a German dish that we make that’s basically like Salisbury steak if Salisbury steak wasn’t fucking awful.”
Worst roommate: PaRappa the Rapper.
And breathe. Make sure you kids breathe. Breathe a lot. The best shit happens when you’re breathing. Remember the first time you got laid? Were you breathing? You bet your ass you were! Breathings the best, so make sure to do it. We were built to breathe kids.
Jason Schreier, you are a national treasure.
Jim Rome, is that you?