Nice Marmot

Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad.

Rearranged: Bike Does Not Enjoy Rex and Rob Ryan Tandem Ride.

If it’s supposed to channel Dark Souls, it needs more rolling. Where’s the rolling? The guy’s not rolling off a cliff. He should do that after making a frantic silly gesture.

Really? Is that all? You can't hope for Half-Life 3?

Couldn’t I say the same thing about you? Like when you make a great that getshe national acclaim then you can talk. Until then, well you’re just a nobody right?

Zack Snyder’s new Hagar the Horrible movie looks great.

Forgive me if this sounds mean, but any time a person says this to me, I can’t imagine that they’ve actually spoken to any west-coast teenagers. I loved the story that LiS was trying to tell, but the dialogue was SOOO cringe-inducing. It never sounded legitimate.

If it was just the hellas, I might be able to forgive

Hopefully it’ll get a Steam or GOG release finally. It was one of the first games I got every achievement for on Xbox 360. I really loved this game.

I don’t know what the fuck that was but this is Prey and always will be:

This looks cool as fuck. Such a neat shift in setting/time for a series with the word “Mafia” in the title.

Who in the fuck are those guys

Man I wish you posted this earlier so it could get the laughs it deserves

Isn’t it getting close to $1,000 total if someone were to attempt to buy every piece of costume DLC for this game? I remember at one point the total had reached almost $700.

“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

No one needs you posting Chip Kelly’s jack pics on this site!

A married couple we know recently got pregnant, and sent my wife and me an online survey to rank potential baby names.

The North remembers.

Yeah, but a guy who looks like this on national teevee needs some positive reinforcement now and then.

Pooping time is for reading, not listening. Nobody’s out there grabbing their headphones and firing up Pandora on their way to take a dump.