
So women know what it is like to be a young black man being harassed by the police. And YET, I do not see droves of white women standing up and demanding that G. Zimmerman be hung from a tree.

What kind of person ask? , and what kind of person tells? . They seem to deserve each other.

yea because its only happens .000000000000001% of the time, those that one dude does not matter. Right?

I give much more credence to MH, SVU, and Criminal Minds, than I would ever to this site. IF it was not for the whole L&O family of shows, I would not be the left leaning person that I am.

yea blame it on the gun.

for the same reason one should not assume all black people are muggers, killers, drug dealers, crack heads, welfare check cashers, and love rap.

who the fuck cares!

busy killing black people for walking while black, talking while black, driving while black, and being black while being black. SHIT HEAD!

Men are not necessary. Dead men equal more women. Dead women equal more men, which is bad, because men are evil and cause all the bad in the world.

Really? I think his nut ball brain + our culture of narcissism are the issue at hand. Not just his disconnect with reality.

its killed or be killed. who do you think killed all those bears and apes?

... and yet white still fear them. I think that is called paranoia. Or being a pussy.

he death sure as hell was unique ...

Why should women have to do that??????????? Why cant people act civil. No, should be enough to put an end to it. move on and live and let live. Why is that not the norm?

I am sure no one cares, outside of you.

.... on a side note, dating women is like rubbing on Ben Gay, some times it burns and sometimes it feels good. But you are always left with watery eyes.

I have always told my lady friends to be blunt and direct, with out being a rude asshole..

good luck with that. I am sure no one here will care. sad.


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