
Aww, that is so sad to hear.

so should all people loss their job any time they brake the law?

your ignoring the countless times this has happened.

if that is bad how did we make far enough to come with soap in the 1st place?

I glad I have avoid

she did loss some fans... By saying they were sex crime perpetrators.

not soon enough

that just beat every Superbowl add I have ever seen. Wow. And it made my day. 😊

back at ya 😊


I don't get why police feel entitled to have their job be done for them? And people die all the time and we accept it. From guns to cars we are in danger. And that danger comes for freedom. So I see no point to give police a back door. Fuck them and their bullshit plea to save a life . Freedom is paid for with dead…

sorry, but that outfit is ugly. And she looks like a mess. And wtf is a bort?

racist much?

I think humans are idiots, and we need to get over this need to make people apologize for things. It's silly. Are we still I the 1st grade? Because remorse is not the same as being sorry. And we should focus on seeking out remorse for real pains. And not apologizes for butt hurt.

why? What people can't lie?

I see. Good points. I do feel lucky to live here in this time and place. But I also think living on a small lot in Mexico could work too. my grandfather lived to be 80 and was a coal miner as a young person. He and his kids, 10 of them, they were dirt poor. Live in one room. That caused all of them to go out and dream…

ISIS? war is a waste, we need to stop trying to kill everyone that hates us. It's expensive.

are you making light of fact that not having doctor is going to kill me? My teeth alone could be killing my heart as we speak. And I live in a hood, were kick doors are taking place. I WISH I COULD BE BONNIE AND CLYDE. it was easy being poor in the 80s and 90s. Right now I am not poor, but it is 1000% times more…

what? I know people who can't afford healthcare. I can't afford insurance. It's rent or insurance, can't afford both. I have been on the bus for 14 years. Have not seen a doctor in 10 years. I not seen dentist in 25 years. Yea I am not poor, but I do feel repressed by our laws and our racist citizens. But I am glad I…

still, nearly all the abortion clinics here have been closed. Our city passed a tax to fund Pre-K and the rich jerks used to media to cry about for nearly a year. We send kid back to Central America to die. We have a dude here that wants to pull money for college, that schools migrants. We have a stupid voter ID law.…