
he lied to get on that plane. would you lie, even if it risked others?

they are not?

Why can't men want what they want, without it making others feel a need to pander?

Has everyone lost their mind? I guess racism, rape, and murder are going to spike as we become more progressive. Like some kind of last grasp to keep things as they used to be.

Yes, but you also think its ok for @ESPYgiftbags to come late.

Can you see this comment? Testing 1... 2... 3... let me know. THX.

amount of hours have no baring on the per hour pay. WTF! STFU!

women to be low-balled out of the gate. <—— That is the fucking issue at hand. Plainly and simply. That needs to end, period. there is no valid reason for it. its sexist, and nothing more.

So women paid for everything, not rich white dudes. I like that, and fully agree.

But Ebola is only deadly half of the time...

Oh, G.P. the vast amount of wasted waste you represent, stretches past the heavens and into infinity.


men are scum and hurt who ever they can successfully harm. and because women are weaker and do not have the same rights and protections, they get attacked more. but they get attacked more, because they are weaker and have less protections. and they are less protected and have less rights because they are weaker. not

I would say, you are all alone in that. (because most men, dont even care about each other.)

I can agree being killed is worse. But, you think killing happens more often than being laughed at. Because that sure would be a lot of dead people.

Are you really saying women get murdered MORE? Wait, men do most of the murder. Which would place them in danger of being murder them self. Thus, men would always have a higher risk of being killed. Because they attack people MORE. Thus you are incorrect. I assume at least half of all murders start out as the other

Men do most, if not all, of the murder. and they do this murder because they can. and it has nothing to do with the sex of the victim. killers kill people they can successfully murder. and because women are weaker, they tend to be the victim more often. women are attacked because they are weaker, and not because

OMG, why cant' people disagree without calling each other names that only serve to shut down and derail the issues at hand. When I see the word MRA, all I read is, :SHUT-Up. Why do some people just go straight to telling people to be quit? Is disagreement that unsavory? Does it fry the mind to hear something is is

demographic who's at the most risk