
I have to ask, do you think men are never murdered? Do you think men don't worry about being murdered? Because, As a non-white dude, I my self am very surprised that I made it to age 40 and was not murdered by the police or some dude trying to prove he was tougher than ME. Every time I walk down the street, I have

What is wrong with people? I feel like we have all lost our minds. I am glad global warming is going to kill us all, we don't really bring anything to the table as a species.

It's not like, if she were single and told him to leave, he'd be within his rights to shoot her.

So do you concede this nation is also knee deep in a racism culture? And a lock up none whites culture? And and pay as little as you can culture? And a treat every one like shit who is not a white man culture?

If is so unimportant maybe people could stop acting like it is and ignore each other. Earth does not NEED more humans.

as someone who was raped, I have to say, that is not a sex crime.

I could fear them, but that makes me weak. So what am I left with? Because I sure as hell cant love someone who pull me over for driving while not white. so what should I feel about that bullshit???????????????????


... and is this a one time thing, or will am i setting up a subscription? and I assume this is only going to be fun if I spend at least a bill?

wow, sounds like he ripped off the mind of the Isla Vista killer.

Non titillating plots would not have fans...

Rush acts like B.O. has any power, without the power of WHITES. Whites that built this nation, paid for it with the blood of the innocent. To decry B.O. is to decry the nation that made him and the blood that was spilled. Any suspicions of B.O. should also indite WHITE RICH people the nation over. You cant hate

i so fucking love that ad.

Yes the bible is full of rules, But in end, over all the bible is about being humane. And about god having the last word. What does it say about our faith, that we leave nothing to the hands of god and his judgement? Our job is to act right, not because of laws or because we have been forced to, but because we will

yes because everyone is a troll. some needs to come up with a word for crying troll at everything.

... and I have chosen to no long spend money or time on anything this dork has to say, or images of her nude or not, stolen or not. because that is my choice. i choose to ignore her.

This is not a privacy issue. This is theft, theft of her ID, her images, and use of her as bait. All without her knowledge. HAY, jennifer lawrence ! This here is a sex crime, the DEA and the DOJ just fucked this lady, and this is what it looks like you idiot.


tried ten times, and it keeps making me look like i got run over by a Mack Truck. no face just mush! :/

Why am I looking at a write up from 2009 about a mag from 1992? This is making my head hurt! Why not update it? Or delete it, lordy!