
... and my original point and aim was to point out that women often commit sexual assault on me.

no, what i am saying is, if i am honest, i dont think i have ever given or gotten consent. maybe some non verbal. but if i was on the jury, nothing i would buy.

my comments are replies.

read up. i am not pulling this out of thin air. fuck.

one does not have to get convicted of rape for rape lies to ruin their life. i know this too well.

but those programs are not cards dealt. that is stacking the deck. just we don't care about other things, we should be cold across the broad. if we can send central american kids to their deaths, baby boomers can eat dog food and leech off of their offspring. and if they have none that will take care of them.

lol. like there will even be ss or medcre. and why should anyone pay that? have a plan dont react and dont depend on others. kids dont owe anyone anything, they did not ask to be made.

no. it would be great. i would like to get it writing, hell.

nope. the force, the taking of it under force is the high. a non-rapist would loose their wood during violence. and a rapist cant get it up for not forced sex.

i dont know. but i got accused of rape, by a gal that took me to her dorm room gave me a rubber and a bj and let me hit it. there is no way to prove you did not rape someone. and it sucks. in fact it cause me more harm than the time I was raped by 3 classmates in middle school.

so true. because we all know PIV is always rape.

clearly you think Kobe and Mike raped their "victims".

i would think a actual rapist would not even try to get the consent before had. you are basically making it sound like dudes only rape when they are refused. but consensual sex is not sex void of rape. Or Vice Versa. no one shows up for sex and does rape when turned down. or vice versa. Rapist find no joy in

that is a cop out. i dont see gawker, jez, or giz or the others as other sites. it is all one crap show. if you really want to be seen as single sites. let users hide the other sites and adds for them and their post. otherwise, you are one site.

A fact (derived from the Latin factum, see below) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability, that is, whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts. Scientific facts are

no, ID requirements are bullshit. when I get asked for it, I show it, and i don't finish the business i was doing. fuck that noise.

chock your self with those boot straps.

20$ for the ID, 35$ for Birth Record to get the ID. 2.00 for each mail item to prove I live where I live. hours wasted.... priceless. I would have just killed my self, but I would need ID to get a gun. LOL.

i agree. but we there is a long history of kids not being treated as humans. women should have fought for that after they got the vote. but they went after booze. idiots.

well dick don't suck them self, lady. and if you don't want to see dick, simply go be with woman and you can cuddle all you want and not have to deal with men and their snails.