
I would prefer labia shots.

I would not bet my freedom on it. I would plea out. And that is what is so wrong about our legal system. it only works if you have money and are smart. like when i was a kid, my lawyer asked me what I wanted. I was a kid, i did not know shit.

i dont know why people dismiss anecdotes. if I punch you, that is fact and really took place and you would want me in jail. but in the end you are left with an anecdote of that one time some dude popped you one. does that mean it is meaningless that I popped you one?

Well, I assume if you kiss me and put me in your mouth, you are consenting.

I guess. if you say so. but the fact is, I was accused of rape by a gal that asked me to her dorm room, and who provided me a condom. and nothing she did proves it was not rape. and nothing i did proves it was. but i got accused. and that was enough to ruin my life. even with the police never being called.

WHAT? When did I say I was talking about literally all women? But what ever, lets change the subject to weather or not I am clear or if i was talking about all women.

we dont stop fuck up from having fucked up kids. so why cant bible beaters trash their kids in the same manner. works for the people stuck in the hood.

I dont fully disagree. But if I look over my sexual history. I really find that I have been raped and I could see how others would have a case to say the same about me. all the sex i have ever had, was out of the blue. and was just kissing that went to oral and that ended with sex. I look back and I dont see a lot of

Clearly. But that is not what was talking about.

if they want their kids to be ignorant, have at it.

I have to disagree. Some women are less oral than others. I had maybe four oral fixated ladies and I have had some that are less oral. My current GF is very willing to do oral, but she clearly has a phobia about it. and thus is not good at it. and knowing she is phobic about it, also makes it suck for me. I cant

what if a girl takes her clothes off and gets in your car, is that consent to what ever happens next. i asked because this took place. girl just got down to her bra and undies and climbed into a car.

but that is making and sending CP. so why not jail them little girls. ?????

well yea that would be cool. but of all the ladies i have been with, they all mostly had sex happen out of the blue, or spontaneously. for the most part. (I don't mean literally 100%)

Wrong women? my approach? I had had tons of sex with all kinds of woman. So I am not sure what you mean. Just because some women are not big on talking, I do not see why that has to mean anything, outside of that. WTF?

of all the sex i have ever had. i had one or 3 drunken one nite stands. not counting those. I have never had a woman give me consent and she has never asked me for consent. I am 40. and me and all the people i have been with, dont talk about sex. we just kiss and have sex. and that was a big cross cut of people. no

Or in the case of Kobe Bryant, he will butt ram you when all you wanted was V sex.

I was once asked back to a ladies dorm. me and this lady made out. I asked her for a condom and she got one from her closet. I put it on and we had sex. Hours later she told her boyfriend I raped her. For me it would be nice If I could get all consent in writing. Because when accused of this, I had nothing to

And I would contented the only consent I have ever given, was not pushing said ladies off of me.

Sure. But no woman I had sex with ever would have been like that. My current S.O. yes, but she is also PRO-Choice and not into the Bible.