
You’re looking at this wrong: person B in your example would be paying $525/month, plus an additional “thousands of dollars...to more than $100K”. I bet if person A asked their insurance company for a quote on the fire fighting service, they’d gladly offer it to them as well. They aren’t saying “screw everyone else”,

What about the most important resource: the fire? You can’t fight a fire if there is no fire. Do you think there’s an unlimited amount of fire out there for firefighters to fight? These mercenary firefighters are essentially stealing fire that our hard working public firefighter could be fighting. We are fast

Except poors still have access to regular fire fighters so your example doesn’t matter. This isn’t a slide back. It is an additional private service anyone with money could pay for if they wanted to pay for it.

Well, except they’re also paying a shit-ton more for insurance on those nicer things AND the more those insurance companies have to pay out, they insure not-wealthy people too, they more everyone’s premiums rise. Not to mention it’s one less property the other fire fighters have to deal with. So really can’t see any

At what point in the country did we not allow rich people to pay more for better service? Insurance isn’t a government service and they aren’t taking the public fire fighters. The insurance company is hiring contractors to water down their yard and spray fire retardant foam.

Hire private firefighters for tens of thousands or pay out millions in damages? That’s pretty much a no brainer from an insurance standpoint. That just makes fiscal sense. I don’t see the problem if they didn’t use public resources or hinder firefighting efforts elsewhere. Also that $1 million threshold is not that

It’s popular, so it’s widely available. It’s inexpensive, relatively speaking. It’s hugely modifiable, so you can configure it whichever way you want. And, as noted, it looks lethal, which is appealing to a certain type of person.

This is a stupid comment. An AR-15 is in no way more dangerous than any other type of firearms. Lots of them are chambered for small caliber bullets, which have less penetrating power than most hunting rifles. The only real difference is it’s made of metal and black, which scares people.

Speak for yourself. Would you feel better if he’d used a Mini-14 instead?

Generally these shooters off themselves when they are threatened with being apprehended. There were no cops anywhere near the scene. You could at least credit this guy with providing the pressure that forced him to commit suicide. He also shot him, causing him to drop his gun and flee.

You did. This article was written to assure liberals that even though a good guy with a gun came into play with this situation, they dont need to think about it in a positive light.

I thought I already read somewhere that the local sheriff reported the gunman shot himself after a car chase that involved a bystander and a brief exchange of fire with the “good guy”?

“re-election” should probably in quotes here. I mean they’re better than North Korea, but not quite as good as Cuba, Russia, or Rwanda.

Won’t anyone please think of the dictators?!?!?

A quick Googlin suggests that you need proof of donation, and the thank-you note that Pence would receive here doesn’t count. Ultimately it’s in your financial records so you would get the deductible.

By my metrics, the AR-15 is a fairly unremarkable middle of the road semi-automatic rifle. Its ballistic performance is solid, but not at all remarkable. Its kinetic energy transfer potential is actually below average. The accuracy of the weapon is solid, but not really worth noting unless you spend a rather silly sum

Shout out to Little Rock at least. One page ad in the Washington Post -withdrawing- their name from consideration.

Uh, the NFL is a private organization, whereas state universities are government departments. The First Amendment prevents the government from censoring you based on the content of your speech: it says nothing about private employers doing so.

In almost every case, it takes two people being an asshole for these incidents to escalate like this.

The point is that there may never be a good time. People choose their professions mostly. Along with making the decision to become a highly educated professional that has to spend a decade preparing for said profession comes choices as to what you can and cannot have. Sometimes these choices are hard, but they are