You’ve hit repeat stage now, a couple more replies and you’ll quit and dismiss the whole thing!
You’ve hit repeat stage now, a couple more replies and you’ll quit and dismiss the whole thing!
But we all know it was just a bullshit condition intended to distract from the actual conversation so no one notices how wrong you are.
We’ll only let you exercise your constitutional right under extremely controlled circumstances, entirely at the whim of other people, when and where we say you can exercise it. That’s not infringement!
So because you couldn’t resist the urge to murder someone, that means everyone else can’t either? You’re still blaming the gun for your actions, and that is where the real problem is, accountability.
Thanks for sharing. But this is what is called anecdotal. Your flaws are no reason to deny someone else’s natural rights.
I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.
Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.
Exercising a civil right, as protected in the constitution, that our countrymen fought and died to defend, automatically makes me a Nazi. Okay.
People who don’t want their civil rights curtailed generally do have stronger political will than the ones who want to do the curtailing.
Actually the belief that the gov’t should be the only ones with guns is the enemy of liberty.
What the fuck.
Ok, so the based on the video, it looks like the headlights didn’t illuminate her until about 3 nanoseconds before the time of impact. No chance any human could have brakes/swerved in time.
This might not even be a “kink.” People get hit by cars all the time, and often the driver isn’t at fault or could have avoided the situation. Maybe the autonomous car here was at fault, but maybe it wasn’t.
The problem is “market incentives,” you say? A good way to miss the point entirely! In reality, the public should have access to the internet because we paid to create it.
A knife, being serious.
“Most men think this is what sex is”
“Most men think this is what sex is”?? That is ridiculous. Most men reading this are horrified.
Yeah, let’s shit on people for not knowing how to pronounce a completely illogically spelled word that just started gaining traction six months ago.
Herpes isn’t curable. Treatable, yes. Curable, no.