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The freezers are right across from the elevators. There’s a kind of knob on the inside of the door.

Semi-autos are single fire—like most handguns, for instance.

Somehow I don’t think I would want a single-shot pistol for self defense.

There are reasons why semi-automatic firearms exist. Part of it is hunting, sure. But as others have pointed out before me, the 2nd Amendment wasn’t created to protect against feral hogs.

It doesn’t convert anything to full auto. You can do the same exact thing by finding a happy medium with your trigger finger and applying a forward pressure to the handguard. It’s simple physics at play. There’s nothing about this device that makes the gun fully automatic. Each bullet shot still needs a pull of the

Usually a molding machine. They are assholes though.

“Basically, it let’s you pull the trigger once and empty an entire clip lickity split”.

It just goes to show, the best way to create artificial demand for something is to make it illegal or just make people think you’re going to.

If your opinion is that the government aggressively removing all legally owned rifles would not infringe on the 2nd Amendment, then your opinion is wrong and you likely don’t understand the plain language or historical context of the 2nd Amendment.

It’s been pretty jarring to read and hear some of the comments lately about firearm laws. Most of the adamant anti-gun folks either have zero clue what they are talking about or are extremely deceitful in how they describe things. Both sides tend to cherry-pick their data and fudge a little here and there, but the

This is what happens when chunks of a rubber seal goes into a helicopter engine.

I’m not an arm chair engineer. I’m an actual mechanical engineer who has conducted bird strike testing against helicopter parts.

What makes you think these are armored at all? Bulletproof windshields? Ha. No.

What was it doing there? Probably flying a route that was pre-coordinated and deconflicted with local aviation authorities.

Do you not think bird strikes are a serious threat to military aircraft?

The main rotor moves at 725fps or close to 500mph. Depending on air speed that can put it close to the speed of sound. Hitting a 5lb object at that speed can cause serious damage to pretty much anything.

They haven’t. Their competition will have done the same thing in order to compete. So it won’t be long before widgets cost the consumer 50% less and all the widget companies will be making similar margins as before automation.

You are welcome. Sincerely from NOT A WHITE DUDE.

I’d really like to see the breakdown between automation and human effort in that productivity rocket. I’m willing to bet that timeline coincides nicely with increased automation rather than a dramatic uptick in human productivity.

The English language, slurs included, will never make as much sense as you expect it to, no matter how low your expectations are.