
So you lie rather than address any of my questions.

Lying about lying doesn’t magically negate it. You dishonestly claimed that my answer changed. It is right there in your post.

So you’d rather lie about my post than answer my questions or even admit why you refuse.

It isn’t. Never has been

You’re explicitly refusing to answer. That you deliberately choose to disregard my answer does not alter that fact

As an Army/Air Force vet, I stand and support the right to keep and bear arms. There was no point in being issued a rifle that doesn’t also apply to civilian life

So you still refuse to answer, but try to explain it away with a lame excuse.

It is still as I explained earlier. Why are you so dead set on avoiding the questions?

A: due to my awareness that the marks are used for more than just direct quotations of other people, and that there would be no good reason for confusion among any American readers given that it isn’t nestled within a quote.

Lying about answering is not answering

“Where did the direct quote “I cared so much that I didn’t bother” come from? What is its source?”

“Where did that direct quote appear?”

Yet it is one you’re refusing to answer and from which you’re trying to distract.

None, nor have I ever stated that it was your phrase, so why do you ask?

If your English isn’t good enough to comprehend “Why are you avoiding the question?”, then there’s not much I can do for you

Actually, I put the direct quote from YOUR post in the quotation marks. You can pretend that isn’t true, but it doesn’t alter the facts

Obviously not. Not understanding something doesn’t prevent you from asking for clarification. Why did you ignore it and now refuse to answer me?

You blatantly ignored the question. I’m asking why you did that

Since it is discussing the very same thing. So what about it confuses you?

Why are you avoiding the question?