You posted, then I posted a relevant reply. What about that are you not getting?
You posted, then I posted a relevant reply. What about that are you not getting?
“Leaving blanks on a ballot is deliberate abstention. They’re literally the same thing.”
“Abstention from voting can be a deliberate choice made by people who care. It happens all the time.”
“Do you genuinely believe that everyone who abstains from any sort of vote they are entitled to participate in is lazy?”
Because it was directly relevant to the post to which I was responding
Many schools even banned backpacks altogether
Because it is just lazy whining rather than a valid complaint to complain without bothering to submit a ballot
That’s one of the things I said. I actually made multiple statements
So you really didn’t grasp the point made
Safety driver playing with a phone? Pedestrian clearly in the wrong as well...walking right in front of an automobile while wearing nonreflective clothing in the dark
Go bulls, go
It seems that you didn’t even read the argument made
‘I cared so much that I didn’t bother’ doesn’t make for a very convincing argument.
In what way does it not signify apathy to not submit a ballot (in whatever method they are using)?
Sounds like it is representative of those who cared enough to vote
If walking, they’re a pedestrian
Clearly this court is not to be trusted. Jokers only go in spades for people who forgot to take them out of the deck.
And the people who are looking forward voted for neither of them
Yes, people pay, but they aren’t paying the same and receiving the same benefits
Really? When did you pay for that infrastructure and ongoing costs of providing such access? Who and how did you pay?