
“The problem is “market incentives,” you say? A good way to miss the point entirely!”

So you didn’t read the story at all. The dead people are dead because they drove recklessly and crashed.

“Anyone making popular music in 2018 is—by definition—making black music, regardless of their color.”

No thanks. I don’t support any groups acting in opposition to human rights

If just purchasing food: no tip.

They made no mention of dictating ‘your reality’

Also, the buckle on the pilot’s restraints can be easily released in one second with one hand.

Actually, it is mostly a time and experience builder on the way to better paying jobs. For most, it is the first turbine job they get

Also the person not wearing one of those harnesses

Eh, the mid-air, for example, was an airplane hitting one of their helicopters. That could happen to anyone. They have had a number of other incidents and accidents, but they also do quite a bit of flying.

Pretty much all of them that only require one pilot

That’s pretty crazy for passengers with no real training. Should at least have a decent release point between harness and strap. Thanks

Yep, it didn’t hit hard. Doubtful there was any serious injury before rolling over.

So you have no idea how it works.

Sure, my IRA does fine...but my 401k gives me a huge return immediately. Starting with a 50, 70, 100% return is a serious head start

Bound to happen once stores made unlawful discrimination official policy.

Actual justice won’t be involved until those who intentionally ignored a real killer and targeted a man who appears to be innocent end up behind bars themselves. Until that starts happening every time, we’ll know they still aren’t serious about justice

Great thing about inventing words: there aren’t really any right and wrong ways to pronounce them, only more or less popular ways

Well, then that is definitely something needing changed

Was that because those unions chose sole bargaining status or because of a crappy state law?