
So ‘violate the rights of others because I’m ignorant of the reality that firearms are needed on occasion’ is your solution

“Only 8% of high school seniors surveyed can identify slavery as the central cause of the Civil War.”

Overall, it hasn’t done great things for them, but they did get a boost with the demise of Borders

That’s an absolutely lousy idea. The federal government has no place dictating local taxes.

Eh, being rude doesn’t really justify violent crime. The stripper should definitely be on the hook for the bill (and a little incarceration)

Where does it say anything about it being job related?

No, it is not okay to commit violent crimes just because other people express a low opinion of you. Hopefully she got the boot from the club

Counter proposal:

I’d venture it is less. Prisoners live on more than that. $4 wouldn’t count as even a decent day panhandling.

If it were good, then it wouldn’t be lutefisk

It is pretty telling that some people both complained that he spoke about previous crimes and complained that he hadn’t spoken about this one.

But you’ll still be screwed if they can hunt down someone who really looks like you (there probably are, and it will only keep getting easier to find them), and get them to approve the use of their face

“Likely something to do with defamation.”

“This does not make me homophobic in the least.”

“She immediately countered that that couldn’t be true because she knew the sex lives of all the men with whom she’d had sex.”

Really? It would seem to anyone reading the comments that they explicitly said it does NOT apply to all.

Here’s the thing, right-to-work laws continue to be demonized on a false basis: that they harm the ability for labor to organize. If one actually reads the content of the laws or attempts to organize with fellow workers, then they’ll usually discover that it isn’t actually true.

No, having a bad winner is the result of people voting for bad candidates

I always vote for the best, acceptable candidate regardless of where I live. I’m not going to vote for a worse candidate just because I’m living in state x, y, or z at the time

So you’re still stuck on the silly notion that it is bad to offer a service if some people cannot take advantage of it