
WTF are you talking about? Native American displacement, African slavery, Japanese internment, are all taught in every elementary school. The number of people that go to school in the US and aren’t taught about these things is staggeringly small.

Dude if you’re saying we haven’t killed 6 million innocent people in our country you are flat out wrong about that. If you think that biological warfare and slavery and war is somehow less terrible than the Holocaust, you are also wrong about that. It’s not an apples to apples comparison but whatever your point is

I am actually really thrilled that I am seeing all these comments with people who understand what we did was completely fucked up. I seriously was ready to expect some pretty nasty replies.

Genocide is genocide. You shouldn’t start comparing which one was less evil. By saying: “our genocide was not as evil as their genocide” you are starting to make it look like its not that bad. Like Nazi Germany was the only evil government ever and the US was the nice guys. Thats just to simple. Killing millions of

If Andrew Jackson had had access to Zyklon B he damned sure would have used it.

I own it! Great book. Definitely eye opening.

Unwise wording of mine: that many innocent people.

General history books give a few sentences to the Trail of Tears and that slavery is bad. But we never think critically about it. We never try to make amends.

I remember being a (white, southern) kid learning about the Native Americans and just feeling like there was information missing. Like, it feels like they just kind of glossed over why all the Native Americans disappeared. We learned about some key battles and smallpox blankets and the Trail of Tears but no one ever

Graduated 08, and like I said above one of my college majors was history. The amount of stuff we know about pre-Columbian Americas and even about the colonial era that doesn’t get put in is ridiculous. It wasn’t my period, but my advisor worked extensively in that area (his own work was on the Tuscarora). I took two

US never did kill innocent people

yeah america has always been about going againstg anyone who stands against you. Mobocracy back in the day against the bankers, JFK, and now this.

Umm. Maybe read the whole comment. The point being we don’t critically think about the bad things. They’re mentioned but never truly evaluated to understand why they happened.

Not in the 1940s of course. It changed after the war (in West Germany) and the admiration had a dent during the Vietnam War but otherwise it was always there. When I was a kid, the US was kind of a promised land, full of fun, cars and great music. Boy, were we surprised when we finally got there.

Lol one of the best parts of WWII is that when we wanted to try the Germans for bombing civilians and unrestricted submarine warfare. We actually stopped, looked around and went wait we did that too. Then we let them go, what happened to us being self aware?

I remember sitting in my college class. (SHOCKER IN THE SOUTH) when a stupid bubble headed blonde said.

General history books are written by politicians and parents, with a mix of corporate influence too. It’s a collective failing. Historians know better, but these days there’s no real appetite for real historical works. Pop histories are the big thing, but even the good ones are reductive and comfortable narrative

That’s because we’re taught that America is great and has never done anything bad. Ever. At all. Name one thing, I dare you!

Awful lot of talking going on after what was literally the least special championship run in history.

Fuck him two times.