
You can line her up next to the guy in the Sonics Durant jersey. Motherfucker...

That woman with the puppets should be shot.

It miiiiight have something to do with the fact that the kind of douchey assholes who are into the collegiate “greek” system are douchey fucking assholes who don’t give two shits about anybody but themselves and their douchey asshole friends. But I think I’m going out on a limb here. Have you ever met anyone who was

frat boys are insulting to our intelligence, so that shows where we’re starting from.

“Lawyers representing several of the brothers attempted to block the surveillance footage from being shown...”

How do you misdiagnose a traumatic head injury? Those are really fucking obvious, and it’s plain as day from their text messages that they knew exactly how badly they fucked up. Instead of helping him, they discussed how to weasel out of responsibility. At one point they actually stopped a pledge from calling 911.

Today I learned the price of an innocent man’s life is “two jobs, possibly, depending on how good their union contract is.”

Dear People In The Header Image,

I know its not, but usually things that are fucked up on pc get even more fucked up on consoles.

I mean, the dude is up there advocating for the termination of up to 4 police officers for the kinds of shit that every other department has thus far tried to ignore and sweep under the rug. Cut the fucking guy a break. By all accounts he’s doing the right thing. He can use every bit of cop speak in the world if it’s

“Is as followed.” “I will detail the details.”

I forgot, what started all of this?

You know those women who say “I just prefer to hang with guys because girls are just so much DRAMA.” And 9 out of 10 they are, in fact, the drama? And probably have also been awful to every woman friend they ever had? I feel like that’s Nicki. People always say “omg why can’t female rappers get along, women are always


As a Wild fan, fuck you and the Blackhawks.

I was pretty stunned when I saw the trailer. The game could end up playing like hot garbage, but it looks amazing

Dear Nashville,

As a Blackhawks fan, screw anyone who doesn’t think the Predators fans aren’t real fans. They’re enthusiastic as hell and a great rival fanbase. Sorry you guys didn’t take it this time, but best of luck down the road.

Nashville has shown itself to be a true hockey town filled with real fans, because they booed the living shit out of Bettman last night, as is proper and right.

I did some math. I took a map of Turner Field with the distances from home plate to the wall measured and figured out that on my map 1 pixel was 1.6 feet.