
What’s ridiculous is that some people believe them...

Sidney, you’re doing it wrong!

That energy last night was fucking electric, man! You’d best believe I’m trying this shit in my Book Club tonight!

There’s an ocean of difference between these two things. Especially if the Nekopara version he was playing was the Steam version. And are you shaming the people that enjoy visual novels? Was that casual “(and fucking)“ really necessary? It’s heavily implied by the genre. After all, any reasonable adult knows that

Except Comey shot that shit down and made McCain look foolish. Try harder.

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

tDuring the DNC/Clinton/Sanders debacle, so many screamed about a Third Party or at least dismantling the Two Party system, but that scenario reminds me of some other countries, where they have...let’s say, 20 parties. Which means no single party will every come close to a majority, or even close to anything like a

That is an excellent summary, ZombieBatman.


This post confirms a theory of mine, that Trump supporters are really just failed sports fans, who were not smart enough to understand player stats and game dynamics.

Infowars call and it wants it memes back

What if I told you your meme is out of context. Nice try though.

I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that you don’t really know what “Liberalism” means and that in fact you are most probably unwittingly insulting yourself. 

The answer to these issues is always met through the crucible of war. That is the clear, direct path we are on.

Eddie’s response was so well done too. He’s right. If you got up on stage and said a bunch of curse words with no intention or point, that’s not a show. If Cosby wanted to berate anyone for that, he should have called up Andrew Dice Clay, who faded from mediocrity aside from a stint on Entourage that required no

Old lady.

And for that they are so thankful. They needed a new boogeyman after communism went away.

Ah yes, but remember that the fans of this network are ‘true patriots’ who love their country, despite the fact that they’ve chosen to ignore the teachings of the most basic Civics classes they so reverently paid attention in. You know, ‘melting pot’, ‘give us your tired, your poor’, ‘all men are created equal’ and

Thus proving once again that the NHL playoffs are way too fucking long.

The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.