
Nobody is saying it’s impossible to get dirty comedians. Their point is that college campuses used to be where the political, edgy, stuff went over best. Now it’s 90% controlled by the associations that sprung up in the late 80's, early 90's, and they request squeaky clean. So, it’s a lot more rare.

You just nailed it. That reflexive defensiveness reminds me of a certain political figure here in the US, one who is a far more extreme example but of the same genus all the same.

Even Spike Lee says calm down.

Educate yourself

“But it’s always been a learning and growing experience for me...this whole situation has definitely been that for me. It’s something that I’m going to keep in mind going forward.”

Well, I certainly hope so. But it seems that every time he’s at the center of a controversy, he gets more defensive than introspective, as

lmao you obviously havent been on a college campus/followed comedy for a while if you think comedians dont go to campus events

Yes. And the reason for that emphatic “Yes” is the fact that to him its just ‘some jokes that you disagree with’.

You have an awesome and refreshing attitude. I suspect people’s beliefs are actually a mix of the two primary parties. The only way to make progress is to be able to acknowledge that good ideas (and bad ideas for that matter) can come from either side.

Big deal, warriors overthrew kings all the time throughout history. Warriors will beat Kings three times this year; the Praetorian Guard overthrew three emperors in 193.

Stupid millenials who think they know everything. Get the hell off my lawn. But stay if you want to hear my theory on how Mexicans damage our water

So the “edgy” or “non-PC” schtick is pretty common now right? So it’s hardly original. It seems more of a crutch for a lack of content. Sadly, it gets the views I guess.

You mention Benoit. CTE is a threat to innocents as much as the players themselves. Were I the husband/wife/partner of a former player, how worried should I get if I notice an uptick in moodiness, outbursts and forgetfulness? What would I do if it got worse? Do I make an escape plan for myself and our children? These

So witches float and wizards sink?

Chill out, Darren Wilson. You probably shouldn’t be positing on this site.

Yeah. It’s regional and cultural identity, it’s gender roles, etc.

I hate being told I’m part of the War on Football when pointing out the horrors of what it does to the human brain, not to mention the rest of the body. I love the sport & don’t want it to go away. But everything is political now, so I guess I’m a

Still won’t pay $400 for a framerate bump.

The title of this article is rather strange. Why do you wish he would not speak? What if he really is innocent? If you have any interest in justice as all, as you appear to pretend with articles like this, we should take any chance that we have judged an innocent person guilty extremely seriously!

Snowflake = “White trash for Gen Y liberal who won’t suck my cock.” You white trash have always had been pro treason.