
Am I the only one who things the “open world” Is the worse part?! The intro had me pumped. Dude on the ship. The story of him trying to get home. MC. All of it. Then I get out into “real game” and its boring af. Far Cry 6 with a friend is epic. Then I jump into this and its the same thing with LESS. WAY LESS. 

Comment from staff? Pft. Okay. Totally not trying to drag a dead body out of a wreckage. 

Well i hate to tell you bro. The open world is the thing 90% of everyone on youtube is bitching about. IT SUCKS its dead. Its empty. Better off playing Far Cry 6 with a friend cause its the same thing with less. Unless you enjoy driving a warthog around forever. Then hey 10/10 

I know this is a troll post. No one could be that stupid. I legit enjoyed the opening MORE than the “actual game” THE OPEN world is boring empty and loses its fun about...fuck and hr and a half into it?! Its just Far Cry! Go capture this base fast travel go here story. Repeat. DRIVE around a warthog to this point to

This dude is a hack. I know this is an old post but i unsubbed from his youtube channel today. He legit made 34 videos on why a certain car and engine was amazing and better then other engine. THEN TODAY FLIPPED his whole script because a “customer” brought him said first car and NOW ITS TRASH! DON’T GET ONE SALE SALE

HOW is he not a hero? He saved a list of kids from falling into the Dark sides hands. You think Luke and the gang would of been able to defeat a fucking group of Vader led Siths?! Dude was a hero you shit 

He may never have been live action but his Batman has had the deepest impact to me and alot of fans.I take Batman TAS as a bible on Batman. It made lame C list villain’s the top villains of DC and even created new ones that are main stars as well.  You sir are a party killing asshole. But, you are right. BUT! how hard

I am not knocking the short term replacement Batmen at all. It is the fact that they have been talks of making Black Superheroes based off ALREADY established characters that flies all over me. IS IT TIME FOR A BLACK SUPERMAN?! Yeah that would be cool. SHOULD IT BE A REBOOT of all black cast of characters that have

Usually when there is a new Batman they try to replace Bruce. You can't. Best chance was Dick who complained about being Batman the whole time. Miles is a fresh new take on Spiderman they are also 4959272726 other Spidermen. Not counting the clones. They tried 3 times to replace Bruce and swore it was permanent twice.

Im cool with this. But, he better be a new character or another world Batman they try to pull this "fresh new take" on Bruce Wayne I'm throwing up 

Got my mustang last year. I am 31. Also co worker younger than me got the exact year as I did. Haha 

Now playing

This girl and apparently others don’t get the point so ill just leave this here..

Now playing

This girl and apparently others don’t get the point so ill just leave this here..

People like her are full of shit and missing the point. Twitch is slowly turning into Chaterbate. That’s the point. I have seen girls get Subs and donates wearing almost nothing eating a fucking sandwich. THAT isn’t what twitch is for. take that shit to cam sites. THEY are calling them slut streams because they legit

Not that I am supporting his or anyone like his stances but Can people not have their own opinions in this country anymore? It either seems to be

Evil Dead without Ash? No thanks. Don’t even want to touch that. 

I would hope it would let you select that as an export option after you capture. If it is 1080 it has to be MP4 you would think right? 

But what about my sad sad boy Vegeta? lol


Well yeah but “planning it” and doing it are two different things. I have been involved in a plant walkout before. Talked about it for almost 2 months in advance. Then boom did it. We never got a announcement like that. Hell we shut that shit down after lunch and all walked out and went home. I love how it came AFTER