
Miles had the advantages of a.) not “replacing” Peter Parker so much since Peter had a pretty epic/earned hero’s death but more importantly b.) when he was introduced he was in the Ultimate Universe, which any haters could justify as not being the “real” Marvel Universe. Now of course he is in the “main” Marvel U but

Today should not be Goku day.

So essentially:

I know right? In comparison Steve-O is a fucking PhD.

Good first step, but not enough. I don’t wanna see this little shit uploading anything onto YT ever again AND I want his existing shit gone.

What a fucking pariah you are...

Check out one of my conversations with another dude on this thread, they really don’t get it.

Funny how he was still making Nazi jokes a day ago... I’m 100% positive if we got him drunk he’d start ranting about zionist conspiracy and the jews...

Still seemed pretty funny to him at the time...

“It sort of gave me a little bit of perspective, because technically I got grouped in with these people somehow,” Kjellberg said.

wow, what a hero -_-

1) Superman has killed and does it as last resort.

I still don’t understand how it’s still a debate. I’m a big fan of Dragon Ball growing up and never really cared for Superman (though, as my avatar notes, I like me some Batman) and even I can note just how badly Supes stomps nearly everything in existence. Goku has no chance in hell against even New52 Superman, let

Nazis and supporters of the Southern Confederate States get no rights. You can’t be an American and a Nazi. You can’t memorialize the Confederate rebels in a positive way and still be an American. We fought wars over both these things.

First off the entire world besides America calls it football not soccer. Second, take your xenophobia somewhere else.

As a 29 year old gamer, this is why I’m thankful I don’t really like online multiplayer games that much. Give me a good Deus Ex or Dishonored or Witcher, where I don’t have to worry about playing all the time, or playing at certain times, or having friends playing at the same time as me, or worry about whatever TF the

I’m heard so many “older” gamers talk about the freedom the Switch offers them, and I think if I were to dive into gaming again this would be the console I get.

This seems to be a pretty common sentiment but personally I feel like I have a little more time to binge games now that I’m older and work full time. When I was in school I was busy all the time with homework and extra activities, and had no money to buy games in the first place. Still too busy for the time required

I still played quite often up until recently, I couldn’t afford to pay for internet. Working 6 days a week 10 hrs a day i literally have no time to play anymore

Sometimes as a 30+ year old gamer, I don’t know whether I miss my free time that allowed me to play so many video games, or if I breathe a sigh of relief because I don’t have to deal with some of this stuff.