
She never could sing. My question is for the guy who booked her. Why?

Is it really “picking and choosing” thou? Like the PEW thing. Dude is the FACE of youtube. This isn’t a small time channel here this is one of the biggest the FACE of youtube. I mean shit Filthy Frank was Logan level of pull on youtube he would have been trashed years ago.

Agree. There has been amazing content creators who have been perma banned pretty much from Youtube. This fool has so many fans it dosen’t matter to him now. He only hit a speed bump. If anything HIS CRINGE fans will only flock to him even more now.

SMH. There has been more intelligent creators who have had their channels deleted and can’t even start new channels. YET he still survives this?

Oh for the love of fuck. Get the fuck off of it. And your team has done what? Shit happens the fact they even made it back to post season is applaudable. I’ll take being a fan of this team over browns,bills,Jets,lions any day.

It’s laughably bad. I dunno what it is but I love PVP in Halo,BF,COD,Player Unknown but Destiny gets under my skin faster than anything.

You’re opinion means shit to me just like your late arrival to this thread was shit.

*reads headline...GAGS*

The fact they even had to do this is laughable.

Do you really want me to google shooting fatalities for you? Which again would be ‘last time I checked’ since you’re a little slow in keeping up

If anything he has stepped out further than JonTron.

You beat me to it. I read that and physically spat out a “The FUCK”?!

Okay for real all shit aside What happened to poor Jake? I have been through that city to an event. It is flat and boring and grey.

Sadly being a sheep insane fanboy will do that to you.

Man you have no comeback I have shot down everything You have tried to come up with. You are just throwing things out there hoping they stick on both sides and I have torn holes in both. Give it up

ha ha my mistake chill the fuck out it was the other guy I was talking to.

Batman has never taken superman down He has hit him before with Kryptonite ring. HE shattered his hand by punching him with said ring

Still find it funny that people roast/crucify JonTron over his comments but SAY nothing about this jack ass.

I guess he was okay that his face all this time was STILL plastered on the fucking white supremacist websites!