
Guys he already made a joke. Has no one seen his tweet? HE ALREADY took that jab.

A. He “Almost shattered” Not did. Look up Superman punching a tear between them. Holding black holes in his hand etc etc.

You know it because no matter where you go DBZ or Superman related now you see people arguing over this stupid shit again and again.

What you need to do is pull your head out of your ass.

Goku has limits take off your fanboy glasses and realize what you are saying.

Spoken like a fool who doesn’t know the source material I.E Doomdays’s entire origin as to WHY he comes up to his level. He can’t be killed by something twice. HE COMES UP TO YOUR level. So once Superman punched him guess what He hits Superman’s level

So it has a bend to it? Thought that was the craze now? Curved Tv’s and such.

As someone who as devoured DBZ whole source material wise and who is a rabid fan of Batman/Superman I will probably end up making a very long video and shot gunning it around everywhere.

“Given that Superman doesn’t kill...and given that Goku gets stronger everytime he gets beaten...Superman only gets to win a couple of times before he would just lose. That said its not really a contest worth debating over...”

THERE is no debate! I have read and own every episode of Dragonball,Z,GT,Super and the movies.

It blows my mind. I live in the south (TN) I am liberal as fuck but I also have a hint of southern pride. Not in the way you think. I love my home state as fucked up as it is I was born and raised here so where my family/friends. So I guess you can stay HOME pride not Southern Pride.

How can one be Pro Nazi and claim to be Pro American at the same time?

“:The starting quarterback had his leg explode in a non-contact drill, an injury so severe it nearly led to amputation and left witnesses on the field crying and barfing”.

HA HA I did a double take. I just clicked on the picture thumbnail from the WYTS Cardinals article.

Now playing

Jesus for real Nelson man. Some of those are just wide the fuck open. Two hands on it.

“We will NEVER have a Death Match mode in Overwatch. Just doesn’t fit”-Jeff

Ha HA that “OOUGHHHHH”!!!??!?!?

Jeez never have I seen Duck hunting so fucked up. I remember going out as a kid with my grandad and getting one to fucking eat by the TN River. NOT planting decoys and throwing down feed. Fuck might as well go to a farm and shoot one in a cage country boy.

For 8 episodes left there is a lot to get through and put together I mean come on. Still better than the Walking Dead writing eeesh.

She knew. I think she knew she was being watched. I mean fuck could she have picked that lock ANY LOUDER?! So she barely escapes with her life from a school of assassins to become such a bumbling doofus?