
Stock with K02's instead of Mud Terrain’s? Nice.

Pure American Quadruple Cheeseburger Firey Fart Machine.

That and the Spec Ops mission in the snow from MW2 will never be replaced. I played those two SO many times.

So 4-8% per mile? So a range of 12-20 miles? Just playing devil’s advocate here.

It is stated in the presentation: 0-60 in 5s empty, 0-60 in 20s at 80k lbs.

Devil’s advocate:

Reverse lights not working most likely due to an incomplete/porrly done manual swap, along with a hot air intake and over 200k miles? For 4.5k? CP.

I wonder if it was a poor joke, like ‘wussup my nigga’ when speaking to black employees, or if it was more derogatory, like ‘get back to work, nigger.’

This game is less than two weeks old and there’s already DLC? There is no reason to not include this in the standard game.

Sort of. Camera goes on your rear license plate, and you run the wire from that to the mirror, and one for power (they have an adapter that you can use to tap into your fuse panel in the cabin so you don’t have to use the 12V socket). The camera in the back also has a red wire and a black wire that tap into your

Sort of. Camera goes on your rear license plate, and you run the wire from that to the mirror, and one for power

2nd generation console, but not second iteration. Like Sony had the PS2, then PS2 Slim. PS3, then PS3 slim, now PS4, PS4 Slim, and PS4 Pro. So Microsoft had the Xbox. Then Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 v2 (which fixed the red ring issue). And now Xbox One, then Xbox One S, then Xbox One X.

This whole ‘me too’ thing that spirals out of control every time there is an allegation really takes away from the plausibility of these situations. Maybe it’s just me.

I use PleaseChange1



I bought my truck purely through internet communications. I’m a calm and level headed person, but I went off on one dealership. They listed MSRP on their website, which is fair enough, but after like a week of back and forth with trade info (VINs provided) and this and that, they come back with “oh we need you to come

Win10 has Edge along with 32-bit and 64-bit IE11.

Source: I work in IT and we use IE11 for certain browser-based applications, and I can guarantee you that we have legit Win10 Enterprise.

“Don’t fucking speed up when we get to a passing lane! Just go the speed you were going and let me pass ffs.”

Nice people are the worst. I work on a University campus, and the way to the parking lot, there is a street with some crosswalks that are just yield, and some that are light controlled. Way too often, at one of the light-controlled crossings, someone will stop AT A GREEN LIGHT and wave pedestrians across the road. Not

Nothing too horrible for me, thank goodness.