
The final scene with Kylo and Han had more genuine emotion than all three prequels combined.

It's not so much geopathic as geopathetic.

This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.

Yeah, you can’t call people “fa**ot.” The asterisks are too hard to pronounce.

He's the Sam to Rey's Frodo.

Who is Finn?

“I may be drunk, Chewie, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be hairy.”

The Force Is Not Enough

Haha, for me the best (funny) moment was the Jedi Mind Tricked Stormtrooper:

I feel like I’ll be writing about TFA specifics for the next week at least, but I will say this: The Force Awakens isn’t perfect. There’s some weird plot stuff and a few problems for sure.

So, that was a fun movie! And funny, too.

Both are excellent choke artists.

I suspect it's more than 1% since I learned about it in high school.

Cites Breitbart for technical issues - strike 1

If you are applying for an auto mechanic, you probably should know what a drivetrain is. If you are trying to become president, you should know what the Nulcear Triad is.

nuclear weapons are not a deterrent to non state actors and never have been, that’s not what a nuclear deterrent is meant for.

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

I love nuclear. Nuclear loves me, but frankly, nuclear is weak on immigration. We need to close down our borders and take jobs back from China and India. Make American wall great again

“Look, man, they didn’t give me alot of details. I’m just supposed to say, ‘America’ alot. America.”

*tumultuous applause*