
Actually, DNA is pretty accurate. Think about it, if DNA was unreliable, why would all life on Earth depend on it for transmission of genetic data? If it was inaccurate you think at least some life would emerge that uses a different method (no, the RNA viruses do not count). The mutation rate in humans is

Religions have been responsible for millions (billions?) of deaths throughout history via wars, terrorism, collapsing nation-states, coups, genocides and suppression/destruction of knowledge.

Not quite. This is a definite example of microevolution. You are thinking of macroevolution, which is the changes that lead to the development of new species.

The Zika is from Africa (Uganda, named after a forest there).

Man, I think comparing the Browns to an Gremlin is a bit harsh.

Aggressive expansionism can get you into real trouble if you are not careful.

What exactly do you mean by taking actions?

I feel this is damning by faint praise.

Ah yes, falling back on things that happened far before you were born and which you had no impact on, the true sign of an intelligent, reasonable human being.

And I bet where you’re from is just a fucking wonderland with no problems at all right?

Wait a second...being a dick to your loving followers?

The Empire, Undead, Greenskins and Dwarves.

Fallout 4. Probably gonna keep spawning armies of monsters and letting them fight it out (or get wrecked by Liberty Prime).That and keep exploring.

I am pretty sure an Imperial Crusade (say, about the size of the one launched against the Tau Empire) could conquer the entire Federation and bring them under the dominion of the Emperor (and exterminate the xeno filth, of course).

This may be peak savagery.

I looked it up, that is a German plate, and BP stands for Bundespost.

This is amazing, thank you good sir.

Do you find yourself running out of medical supplies and ammunition and needing to spend time to scavenge?