
This has no right to be so funny.

This is sublime.

Oh god no, I’m addicted to Hearthstone enough now as it is.

I would watch the shit out of this.

Dying on hills you say? He really is taking after his role model, General Custer, after all!

And the time they tried before that, Georgia.

Napoleon Says He Would Invade Russia All Over Again

Christ alive, roadkill is now only the second most disgusting thing on the roads.

Are you mad when ESPN posts scores? Seriously man, calm the hell down.

Nice to assume I’m a Northerner. I’m a Southerner actually, so go ahead and speak about the South like you know it better than me, nevermind I’ve lived in the rural South for most of my life, until I went to college last year.

South Carolina, in the declaration of secession, explicitly said secession was due to “greater hostility by non-slave states to the institution of slavery”.

He deserved it for responding to “Well played” with the taunt.

I have no idea what I just read, but it was possibly the greatest thing I've ever read.

I guess you could say it was a surprise attack.

This is the greatest thing.

I don't Ski the point of speculation here.

Bro, my Dad is a second generation Polish immigrant, and he is the biggest patriot I know. He flies the American flag high over his house, appreciation for the nation that have his father and grandfather refuge.


Fuck me.

+1 Axeman