ummm, Jesus Walks by Kanye?
ummm, Jesus Walks by Kanye?
so, A) your link to the discounted corvettes points to the wrong story B) they have no COrvettes for sale on their website C) their units are no less than a traditional used car, except “no haggle” so artificially-inflated.
Bad article.
Uh, yes
Ehhhhhh, “the only car someone needs is a Honda Fit”?
disagree. strong, strong, strong disagree.
if you’re comparing a Lexus to a 911, you ain’t a 911 guy, LoL
I’ve done Swapalease and LEasetrader numerous times (always as a buyer, but still)
Shouldn’t be that hard to get rid of.
They get your $3K down. and you pay the fees and maybe throw in a few bucks.
what is a “pro Counter-Strike circuit” and why is ESPN covering it?
Boxster also a great choice. I just sold my 2013, with 30K miles and in MINT condition, in Dallas, for $29K. My guess is it’ll go on sale at Autobahn Fort Worth for like $35. And it’ll be worth about $32 in a year.
Hydrogen bombs, Crack, torture devices, justin bieber singing toothbrushes, and dog fighting torture rings are all things that exist. People who use those are kosher in your book?
2 door accords - lame.
recently, in the 75MPH (with cars commonly going 80-85) very-little-shoulder (about 1/2 car width on each side), SINGLE LANE, reversible express lane in the center (between the main 4-5 lane sides) of eastbound and westbound interstate TX-183 heading eastbound. Rental Car limped to a stop in the middle of the lane,…
dude, it’s a SUUUUUPER overpriced suburban.
30 years ago, the Cadillac my grandpa drove wasn’t a super overpriced version of something else.
Yeah. no.
you’re driving a minivan,, you deserve this horrible outcome.
I remember when this was a good site. but then again... Hulk Hogan / DEADSPIN / KINJA / whatever the fuck this is now.
Dude, get a real job, you’re not good at this.
Toyota is building a whole “Ass City”? Sure it’s not a half “ass city”? or is it a “half-ass city” (e.g. Orlando).
Or, did you mean a “whole-ass” city?
#punctuation #dobetter
what in fuck’s sake is this post. Jesus former GMG you are terrible.