Schmideo Video

so... you don’t want value assigned to goods? We’ll just revert back to beads and wampum bartering. Oh, nevermind, bartering beads and wampum inherently assigns value to goods.

So companies, which have invested THEIR time and capital to be IN BUSINESS cannot choose to charge more during periods of short supply (or

actually, sadly, they do.

YEah, judgey mcjudgerson. that’s a $40K car. Sorry he didn’t opt for a 1996 kia to keep jalopnik at bay


to all the fanboys here in the comments, take your mouth off elon’s knob.

Bro, 31% of cars sold in the US are gray or silver. 

yeah. she has one and leaves it at home.

Or... just *carry it with you*

nearly once every three days, a plane crashes?

So once every four days? this isn’t even remotely sensical. WuT?

.... but what does the Camry possess?

Didn’t know it was alive?

good for you. Want a cookie?

good for you. Want a cookie?

but still absolutely heinous, pointless and an affront to the Mustang legacy. That’s a No for me, Dawg

no, it’s crappy tex-mex

I’ve lived in texas 25 years and have never seen this. Fake News. 

Chief, Toyota is based in the Dallas area FWIW. That picture is literally Plano, TX

what kind of socks do pirates wear?


meh, no.


bruh. get a life.

well, he did ask 1237126316 times and say please.