Tori Yorgey
Tori Yorgey
Or Tesla has no PR department, Fanboy.
I, too, have been lurking here since the early days. I, too, miss some of the articles and authors (not all, mind). However, the evolution (or decline) of Jalopnik has nothing to do with the decision of a PR department to answer or not inquiries sent their way. It’s just unprofessional for a department whose only job…
Or Tesla is a shit company that just dissolved it’s PR department to save a quick buck.
UncleWalty? ...more like UncleSalty.
Because clickbait.
I feel like that statistic “a large commercial jet crashes once every 3 days” has to be quite misleading. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make international news when even a mid-size jetliner like a 737 goes down.
The Sasquatch Package is the one you’ll hear about, but never actually find it.
Save yourself a boatload of money and buy one that is a couple years old. They depreciate faster than anything I can think of offhand.
They’d sell literally tens of them, again.
I like the vibe... but have never seen one in the flesh.
“which is critical for an EV in winter.”
with a targeted 0-60-mph time in the mid-5-second range*
I do have a bizarrely hardline food habit borne from Covid-19.
“You were in a negative 4G, inverted dive... with a four-engine gunship...?”
“That’s classified.”
I mean who says “inverted” without that?
Came for this.
Found on ebay:
2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.