Schmideo Video

“A few days ago this job was the easiest job in the world; now it’s turning into a bad day in Bosnia“

ESPN is garbage now, but that’s the kartrashian-ification of our society in general. CAnt blame the business for giving people what they want. And when the kartrashians make millions on meme apps to make your lashes and asses look fat, people are dumb enough to care more about Joel embiid talking about Rihanna than a

This article is the suckiest suck that ever sucked. What is overwatch? Is that kid the Luke Paul kid? I thought he was in trouble for filming a dead guy in japan? What’s up with his hair? What’s an eSport? Do you think his cock is as big as Robby Anderson’s? Do you think he is likewise gunna nut in the guy’s eye? If

Meanwhile Odell Beckham dances for 15 seconds, jerks off, ejaculates, flies to Miami, boards and spends a weekend on a party boat, and joins Robby Anderson in gangbanging a cop’s wife - just to celebrate a first down

What the fuck is a Yasmany Tomas?

Shut the program down. SHUT THE FUCKING SCHOOL DOWN. SMU graduate here, and the fact that Ped State (We! Are! Ped! State!) and Michigan State are still in existence and haven’t been given 15 death penalties each is a testament to the horrific hypocrisy of the NCAA.

Mom Ian Da GOAT

JESUS, Gil, There are some things you just don’t talk about in public

Been there, bruh. Been there. But it led to the coolest post-college party my friends ever threw for me: The Foreskin farewell

So Deadspin hates Trump and Bill Simmons. At least you’re not writing about ESports today.

I may be the only one in america, but I find it so terrible!

Room is so god-awful. “COVER FOUR COVER FOUR COVER FOUR COVER FOUR COVER FOUR!!!!!!?” bruh, we get it, you played football.

You’re welcome for tipping the original JKC story like 10 years ago!

So it’s basically a corporate suite rental, which has been around since oh, the 1940's ?

Came for Trump commenters, leaving very pleased with the Pimp Vans

after college, decided I finally had to get rid of my high school car, a 1996 WS6 Trans Am, black with t-tops (it was starting to hurt my dating life), so I negotiated a sweetheart deal with my dad, buying my First German car, a 2000 Audi S4 silver-on-black. Had to learn MT to drive it from San Diego to Dallas (~1380

Again, is there any way to block this crap?

Buddy of mine was on an interview panel recently, for his law firm in ******, TX. He got the attached text message from an interviewee

My girlfriend put her bare leg against my Boxster S exhaust after a drive. She wasn’t pleased

Ditto on the Panamax. And it looks cool

Ditto on the Panamax. And it looks cool