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I had to have

My summer to-do list:

See....I love memoirs. I love biographies. I love non-fiction. I’m a non-fiction junkie. I fucking love anecdotes and real stories from interesting* people. So the memoir boom is like my literary wet-dream.

I just finished reading my first David Sedaris and I’m in love.

(*key word)

You do realize the healthcare system in america is not actually socialized, right?

I know! Having millions of uninsured is much better, right?

I guess my point was, it is still being paid for within a limited time following the injury. I don’t understand why the Defense Dept would cover it but the VA wouldn’t.

But the Defense Department does pay for IVF for wounded veterans.

Yeah, but the torque on that second hit, though! That wind-up was fantastic.

A triumph of what- paperwork?

“It was an enormous, enormous triumph,” Steinem told ABC “We feel very celebratory and positive that we have created a voyage across the DMZ in peace and reconciliation that was said to be impossible.”

Whatever you feel you need to do. I recommend you never read any of the books written by Penny Armstrong...

This is exactly what the problem is with situations like this, kind of like when you start acting like the father of a fetus has to sign off on abortion. Men have been using existing, outside-the-womb kids to get back at their wives/girlfriends since time immemorial, and now we’re getting to a point where technology

Judge just wants sofia vergara in the courtroom of course.

The idea of some manipulative scumbucket using a woman’s embryos against her will is terrifying.

Shit. So basically it doesn’t matter that he signed a contract that said they both had to agree to either to bring them to term, keep them frozen or destroy them, and nobody could do whatever they wanted.

a. What in the God’s name is wrong with that stupid fucking Judge? I’m no legal expert, so I would really appreciate some education on this. I’ve read the article on Jez from a few weeks back, but this still doesn’t make sense to me at all. Loeb, dude, get your head out of your sphincter

Why would that be better?

i don’t’ think anyone would let you adopt kids at 65

Sadly it’s not even close for me. I once did a postpartum home visit to find that the infant had died several days before but the mother was still bathing and dressing the little body and frantic because “She just won’t eat.” I suspect this will turn out to be something similar. Grief can do some powerfully tragic

This isn't that uncommon actually. Losing a child is a unique loss that isn't comparable to anything else. Nobody knows how they would react after they lost their child. Lots of women go into shock and don't hand over their child's body right away when something happens to them. I just hope she's getting help and has