Bit too much blue steel also.
Bit too much blue steel also.
When my sister caught the bouquet at a wedding, her then boyfriend remade a big show of running from the garter toss. But she was expected to laugh and act like it was fine. Sadly, she did later marry him and they had a horrible marriage, followed by a drawn out divorce. Anyone whose idea of a joke is public…
Peer examinations in medical diagnostics classes are common, yes, but how the fuck did they get from taking another student’s blood pressure to vagina probing?!
That and the faculty member saying the student should be an “escort girl” were the creepiest parts.
Columbia student Emma Sulkowicz, who accused fellow student Paul Nungesser of rape and then carried a mattress all…
they turned away people with medical. conditions. it’s an absurd rule to every possible degree.
On the down side, this seems pretty sexist.
So it all started with a little daily pill that was supposed to control my bloodbath periods... I was taking a pill that ensured that I only had very light periods every three months because my periods where straight up awful. I was on said BC for about 5 years until something went wrong, unbeknownst to me. Around the…
IT HAPPENED TO ME!!! So needless to say, I am super sympathetic to this couple
Yup, had the same happen to a friend. The couple had gotten married when she was about 8 months pregnant, and i definitely thought “Huh. She looks a bit big in the belly. I wonder...” but i certainly didn’t think she was EIGHT months pregnant. She too had spotted every other month or so, only gained 10 lb for an 8 lb…
I guess he was facing towards her back and would hit her organs. He never flipped to face the front, so she didn’t feel anything against her abdominal wall. She attributed the pain from him wailing on her organs to her auto-immune disease. My uterus is, and shall remain, a no-fly zone for a fetus so I can’t comment on…
poster is also unaware that you can get pregnant even using birth control
If a dude can somehow get 55k to make potato salad... I don’t see why a woman shouldn’t get the same amount for having a baby.
I would totally write a whole post (or more) just to say I had tea with her.
You know I was just saying that if Janet decided to come back, all these mediocre girls needed to strap in because she will slay
Janet Jackson is taking a break from gracing that billionaire dude with her presence to release new music and…
Jezebel also left out the bit about how eye witness said that the family and the exchange student were 3 - 6 feet away from the bison, they should have had a distance of 75 feet. But lets just blame the teenager.
I just read on the Gawker article that the her and the host family were standing 3 or 6 feet away from Bison before it attacked, the host family should have not allowed that and she probably had no idea that you are not supposed to turn your back because they probably did not say anything.
I wonder if her english wasn’t that great, so she didn’t totally understand the signs? Although if it wasn’t, her host family should still have freaking warned her.