All of the reviews I’ve seen have said similar things, some are dated before io9, some around the same time, and some after. Perhaps the reaction on twitter caused extra attention for the comic, it seems to be genuinely terrible based on reader reaction and it seems to undermine a lot of what the movie tried to do,…
They’re both reviewing a new comic and they’re reviewing it in the light of the movie on which it was based, I don’t find it surprising that they have similar reactions to the comic. Ana Mardoll goes page by page whereas James Whitbrook takes it as a whole, which part of it seems plagiarised to you? IGN are less…
If ever a celebrity deserved to go on a privilege swinging rampage, this is it. I would have died on the spot of fear.
There’s got to be a way to sue people for that, and I hope she does.
I would immediately sue. Even if I was already rich.
That’s way fucked up.
Yeah...whatever your opinion of her...that shit isn’t funny.
oh fuck off.
How was his physical well-being harmed? He wasn’t the one assaulted. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: victims of rape need to start suing their rapists. When the criminal system fails you, it’s time to look to civil.
Nungesser is alleging that he suffered harm to his “physical well-being, emotional and psychological damages, damages to reputation, past and future economic losses, loss of educational and athletic opportunities, and loss of future career prospects.”
Stay strong!
Jezebel spent a month explaining how the word, “female” is a derogatory, sexist word.
Yeah, I’m not down with women using ‘bitch’ as a term of endearment. I get that it looks cool, but no. Wasn’t it the great Tina Fey in Mean Girls who said (and I’m paraphrasing) that if we call each other bitches then it gives guys an excuse to do so?
Do you normally call people who you don’t know, and hopefully interview, a bitch? That just seems counter-productive.
You seriously don’t understand her position? Yeah, you don’t get to decide how she feels about being called a derogatory term. Get over yourself. I’d be annoyed too if anyone called me a bitch.
This will no never get out of the grays, but, seriously, Natasha, you shouldn’t have “affectionately” called her a “bitch”. And getting all defensive about it when a commenter complains about it doesn’t suit your argument well.