Not having to drive and taking lots of naps sounds pretty good to me.
Not having to drive and taking lots of naps sounds pretty good to me.
I don’t want to live that long. I want to make it to like 85-90. After that, I’m likely useless. I’m pretty useless now, tbh.
Just reduce your diet to pine needles and resin and become one of the self-mummified lacquer monks of Shugendo Buddhism.
Reasonable, responsible gun control.
I sleep well at night knowing I won’t have to explain to my grandkids someday that I was one of the good Germans.
This is what I don’t understand. I do think his apology was really sincere, but why argue and try to check people on Twitter for what seemed to be hours on the day of the rally instead of issuing a statement and continuing the conversation later?
Guys, you can learn and get certified for CPR in like an afternoon. Theres plenty of time after that to , I dunno, push for common sense gun laws.
I knew Michael Che back in 2008 / 2009. He was a fledgling comedian in NYC and attended many of the same open mics I was attending. His sets were unmemorable with lazy jokes about girls and race, but he was quite popular with the mostly dude regulars and I guess well connected. I left NYC in 2010 and moved to LA. When…
Using SJW as a pejorative is fucked up
I too have randomly cried during sex(why i have no idea 😂) and luckily received a similar reaction. No pressure just really nice intuitive action/inaction. Im sorry for any previous violations you suffered, glad you’re feeling safe and cared for now.
I tried to keep baby carrots on hand but would never eat them and they would go bad. I had better luck with the packages of pre-sliced apples. Something about them being pre-sliced and ready to eat made me more willing to eat them and also that they were sweet. Often I find myself craving candies or sweet coffee or…
First official diagnosis 10 years ago, currently Severe Depressive Disorder. Lithium, Welbutrin, Prozac, Paxil, Remeron, Buspar, and two or three others I can’t recall right now plus various OTC meds and supplements. Four therapists, five counselors. One three day stay in a mental ward. I have about 80% of an idea how…
Every single time I hear about Bryant - all of his awards, the massive accolades he got when he retired - I remember this case and shake my head. And you know what else I remember? More people had words about the giant diamond ring he bought his wife ‘as an apology for cheating on her’ than they did for the fact that…
Think about this for a second. Dana Loesch is NRA spokesperson because she was THE MOST PERSONABLE INDIVIDUAL THEY COULD FIND TO DEFEND THEIR BULLSHIT.
And allow the CDC to research and report on gun data, fuck the NRA and the gun manufacturers paying politicians to block this.
I don’t have any personal weapons (I do use them for work, though), but I’ve always recommended a shotgun. The sound alone scares someone in the unlikely event that they have broken into your house while you are there (obviously most criminals try to steal your shit when you aren’t home), it has a wide blast radius…
My parents used to listen to a metric shit-ton of conservative radio back in the day, (1990's) particularly G. Gordon Liddy, who had some pretty nutso gun views.
Listen, people, you can have a bolt-action rifle, a shotgun, or a revolver. If you can’t successfully hunt or target shoot with those, you are a shitty shot who should not have a weapon. If you cannot “defend yourself” with those, you are a shitty shot who should not have a weapon and also has likely been killed by…
Pretty amazing range. He can go from acting in something as serious and tragic as a conflict with a lifeguard over a boogie board to something as inconsequential as the preventable indiscriminate slaughter of innocent children with an assault rifle.
If a Republican candidate was anti-abortion, conservative and in favor of common sense gun control, Republicans voters would still vote for them over the Democrat. The problem is, in primaries, the NRA gives money to pro-gun candidates, tilting the scales in their favor.