
I work at a whiskey distillery. Conor McGregor almost punched our founder, who is in his 70s, at a marketing event.

See: civility blah blah blah

Ooooh that was a good phase 

My childhood dog was the sweetest damn creature in the world. We always used to joke that she would happily greet any house intruders with licks. When I was ten I was taking her for a walk in our neighborhood (see: super safe suburbs) and this older man (I later described him to my mother as “grandpa age”) approached

This happened last week.

You Gryffindor-ed the crap out of that. Hitting him in the stupid face with the door is a strong instinct. Put a little fight in your flight. Good for you.

It’s like I forget I have a period every fucking month cause I’ll start crying for now reason and I’m like WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?! And then my period starts and I’m like...oh. 

She didn’t give him money though. You know why? Cause you can’t teach on old dog new tricks.  

The Inuit may not get scurvy, but they have low life expectancy and dismal bone health. 

I was just about to say this! I haven’t popped out a kid yet, but dental pain is the worst! When you start thinking of crazy things you would do to make the pain stop (see: pliers), that’s a 10. 

I was looking back at this article after an incident at my office a few weeks back. My building backs up to an alleyway that people frequently use to bypass the street. Delivery trucks (FedEx, UPS, etc.) often park there to delivery to the varies offices in the area.

Jameis Winston is a rapist. This is very characteristic of him. 

Anti-abortion legalization is anti-woman. If Roe falls, women will die. The end. 

I’m not worried about RBG. Kennedy’s one job was to sit in that fucking chair until he died. Why are men so weak? 

I have also found that the meds take the edge off. I don’t feel all puppy dogs and sunshine, but I am having more emotional regulation and less ups and downs which has allowed me to focus on goals in therapy and continue to be productive in my everyday life.

“But you seem fine?” is a common thing I heard from friends and family when I was diagnosed with depression last year. I work, I socialize, I laugh, I have a long-term boyfriend, I have friends. But I also suffer from anxiety and last year my depression got really bad and I started having those thoughts. Not that I

There has been an increase in experts NOT recommending sun exposure for vitamin D requirements. Cause, ya know, skin cancer. And, like you pointed out, darker skinned people may require longer (as in hours) of sun exposure per day to get appropriate amounts. Wear sunscreen, guys.

THIS. PETA are idiots. But it doesn’t change the fact that the standard training practices for these animals is to beat the shit out of them.

I am not at all surprised to hear that this is a common experience for other women.